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Toothless swishes his tail, the way he usually does when he feels threatened

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Toothless swishes his tail, the way he usually does when he feels threatened. His green eyes are locked onto the short man in front of them, the man formed entirely from sand.
Apparently he didn't receive the don't-worry-these-guys-are-okay moon talk.
"It's okay, bud," Hiccup sighs, gently patting the dragons head.
The night fury seems to ignore him, growling warningly as the Sandman steps towards him in an attempt to make friends.
"Sorry. He doesn't like people who attack me," Hiccup apologises for his friend.
Sandy nods and smiles a little in understanding. Rapunzel giggles slightly at that statement, before moving towards the dragon with grace.
"He's so cute."
Toothless' ears spike up at that, and makes the weird grunt he does when he's happy as she starts scratching his neck. He nuzzles against her side, and she giggles some more. "I wish I had a dragon friend."
"I think you just made one," Hiccup answers, smiling.
A cold enters the room.
"Shouldn' there be some magic in here to keep us warm?" Merida points out in complaint, running her hands over her bare arms in an attempt to keep warm.
Sandy frowns a little, looking around.
Hiccup notices a mixture of worry and hope in the golden immortals' eyes.
A frost begins to form on the ground, a small distance away. Then it starts moving closer, and the group see the source.
A young man walks towards them. His head was ducked, and his eyes closed. His hair was a snowy white, and his skin pale. He wore a blue hoodie, with one hand rested in it's pockets, the other holding on a long, wooden staff. It seemed tipped with magic, and dark swirls had formed upon it.
If you looked closely, you could see the dark lines beneath his closed eyes, and the slightly shaking hand on the staff.
With each step, more frost appeared beneath his bare feet. He moves closer.
Sandy's eyes had widened, Hiccup noted.
Then a cold smirk spreads across the boy's face, and he lifts his head. His eyes were a black colour.
Sandy steps in front of the four Seasons, his actions protective, but his expression seeming in no mood to defend against the stranger.
"So these are the four chosen ones." The boy glances between them individually, before his eyes move back to those of the sandman. "Don't seem like much of a threat to me."
Hiccup glances between Sandy and the boy, before realising whom was standing in front of them.
The fifth guardian: Jack Frost.

Sandy looks in silence upon the once ice-blue turned pitch black eyes of the guardian in front of him

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Sandy looks in silence upon the once ice-blue turned pitch black eyes of the guardian in front of him. The anger swirling in them wasn't his, but seemed to have been forced upon him.
Jack strikes first. A streak of ice flies through the air. It was aimed towards the four behind him.
Sandy brings his hand up. A shield of sand forms. The attack was blocked.
An even wider smirk crosses the other boys face, and much to their surprise, a cloud forms above them.
Snow falls fast and quick. Pretty soon, the Workshop is filled with a blizzard, and Sandy looses vision.
He stands still, his eyes darting around desperately in a search for something... anything.
Wind brushes past him, and a cry comes from behind him. Then a slight growl, supposedly from the dragon.
The snow clears. Jack Frost is nowhere to be seen.
Rapunzel is on the floor. Tears are in her eyes. Her once beautiful golden hair was now a dark brown, and laid around her. Her hair had been cut short.
Merida is standing, but a streak of blood runs down her cheek.
Hiccup was holding his side, leaning on his dragon friend.
All of them injured except Elsa, who is still stood, but has the most amount of fear in her eyes.
In Sandy's were a mixture of concern and confusion.
Are they alright?
"Was.. was that Jack Frost?" Rapunzel's voice.
How are they injured... I thought they were immortals.. like us?!
"Why would he be attacking us? I thought we had to rescue him," Merida's.
Is this.. is this my fault?
Unlike the others, he cannot voice his questions.
"My hair," Rapunzel whispers sadly, looking around at it on the floor and nibbling her lip delicately.
"What about it?" Merida replies irritantly. "You can grow it back."
"No, you don't understand," she murmurs. "It had healing abilities. My mum was sick when she was pregnant and drunk this flower thing. It was from the Sun, and it gave me the ability to heal. But when it's cut... when it's cut it looses its power. I can't heal you guys."
Sandy frowns thoughtfully looking at her.
Not a second later the rest of the Guardians arrive, landing on their feet from the burrow in attack positions.
"Damn it, we're too late," Bunny groans, lowering his boomerang, but frowning noticing the Seasons' state.
North's expression fills with worry, and he hurried over, "Are you guys alright?"
Sandy had been momentarily distracted, a book in his hand. Then he looks up, walking over and tapping North to get his attention, handing it to him.
He furrows his eyebrows in thought as he read, before looking back up. Bunny and Tooth were looking over in curiosity, and silence hung on the room.
"They're only half immortal," North said softly, running a hand through his beard. "Until they master their abilities, they can be injured."
"A little help over here," Hiccup requests weakly, leaning on the dragon still.
Sandy looks between the four, and realises simply from their expressions why Pitch had done this. It was to scare them. And it had worked.
Bunny hops over to Rapunzel, "Blondie, uh... brownie." He pulls her over to Hiccup. "spring is a time for healing."
"No it isn-"
"Put your hands on the wound," Bunny orders. "And close your eyes. Focus on the power of spring, how everything is almost... healed after the cold winter."
Rapunzel hesitates but nods, raising her hands and lightly pressing them against the injury. Her eyes close.
Sandy watches thoughtfully, and smiles a little as a soft, golden symbol of a flower, quite similar to the one they'd seen in the crystal, appears around the wound. Miraculously, the injury to his side comes together slowly, and when she takes her hands away, it was like it had never been there.
Her eyes widen, and her hair is long forgotten. She gazes at her hands in wonder.
"Don't forget about me," Merida points out hopefully.
Elsa was stood a little further away, her arms hugged around herself, looking distant.
As Rapunzel quickly moves to Merida, Sandy goes to the platinum haired girl, and tilts his head slightly, as if to ask her if she is alright.
Elsa offers a small smile in return and nods, grateful for him noticing, but looks away again to the others.
"So, what now?" The red head looks around thoughtfully, her hands by her sides.
Bunny glances between the other Guardians, before looking back to the four. "Now, you get weapons."
"Weapons?" Their voice chorus in surprise.
"Shouldn't you always go for the shield first?" Hiccup questions.
"Why weapons? Shouldn't we just learn to use magic?" Rapunzel joins in, smiling a little at the idea of magic.
"Magic takes time to master. Rapunzel was only able to heal so quickly because she had been used to doing so before," North says thoughtfully. "Meanwhile, you need to be able to defend yourselves now if this happens again. Let's get to the weapons room."
"there's a weapons room in Santa's Workshop?" Merida raises an eyebrow in surprise, but is grinning at the idea of getting a bow back.
North just grins a little and turns, leading the way.

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