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"What goes better together than cold, and dark?! We'll give them a world where everything, everything is-""Pitch Black?""And Jack Frost, too

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"What goes better together than cold, and dark?! We'll give them a world where everything, everything is-"
"Pitch Black?"
"And Jack Frost, too. They'll believe in both of us."
"No. they'll fear both of us. And that's not what I want. Now for the last time; leave me alone."

"Fetch her," Pitch glances across to the smaller figure beside himself.
He nods slightly, wind lifting his feet from the ground, before flying him through the corridors. Left, right, right and then left, and straight.
He lands noiselessly, his darkened eyes looking to Elsa, who laid in the corner, her eyes closed.
"I know you aren't asleep," he states, walking through the bars of the cage with ease.
Elsa sighs softly, and her eyes open, meeting Jack's gaze.
"Stand up. It's time," He mutters, leaning against his staff.
Elsa obeys, pushing herself onto her feet but looking down at them.
Jack put his hand on her arm and leads her out through the bars, walking back towards the room with Pitch. He watched as her eyes darted between his weakened chest, and the opposite corridor, as if debating whether or not to make a run for it.
"Don't even try it."
She raises her eyebrows slightly in surprise, staring at him, but once again obeys, focusing on the direction they were going in.
Jack pushes her into the room before looking to Pitch.
Elsa swallows slightly. "Time for what?" She murmurs.
"Your training. I have no doubt in thinking that the Guardians are doing the same for the other three. You must be stronger." Pitch sneers, practically spitting out the word 'guardians'.
"You are not in control of your powers. Previously, they were controlling you, but this is no longer the case, because you are an immortal." Jack steps forward, his hands resting in his pockets.
"... right." She gave him a skeptical look.
"Sometimes, your powers are weak, and you can't form little more than an icicle. Other times, they are too strong, and with a touch you can form an iceberg. Am I right?"
"I guess.."
"These powers you have aren't like your old ones. You cannot control them with something as pathetic as love or hate. You need to focus on the source of them. You need to focus on winter."
"Yes, winter. Think about the trees covered in snow, lakes frozen with ice, the frost spreading over windows."
Elsa nods slightly, biting her lip.
"Now, Elsa. Focus," Jack snaps, making sure she closed her eyes before continuing. "Think about people huddling by the fire, wearing big coats and scarfs, going ice skating. Think about the children-"
Pitch grimaces in the background.
"The children making snowmen, having snowball fights, opening their presents. Focus on those, and then try and make a wall of ice between us."
Elsa slowly raises her hands, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
Then ice stretches upwards. Thick, blue-ish ice raises from the ground, spreading to either side of the room before hitting the ceiling.
Through it, Jack watched as Pitch moves to Elsa's side, and muttered something in her ear, causing her face to pale slightly.
A strange sense of overprotection washes over him, and - just for a second - his jaw clenches. And then it's over, and Jack calms, stepping forward and shattering the ice with a touch.
Jack raises his chin slightly and meets Pitch's gaze, who nods, folding his arms and stepping back.
"Could have been better. Now. Focus on the cold breeze during Winter. How it causes people to shiver, and their teeth to chatter. Focus on that cold air, Elsa."
The girl in front of him nods slightly.
Pitch smirks in the background as he felt the room get significantly cooler. "She's ready."
"Ready? Ready for what?" Elsa murmurs uncertainly, her eyes opening again and going to Pitch over her shoulder.
"You'll find out soon enough." Jack grabs her and pulls her from the room, leading her left, then right, then right, then left, and then straight, before shoving her back into her cell. "Now rest. Don't waste your energy." His tone gentles as he looked at her, before turning away, and walking.
"Why can no one give me a straight answer?"
Her voice echoes down the corridor behind him.

"You don't know who I am."
"Of course I do, you're Jack Frost! You make a mess wherever you go, in fact you're doing it right now."
"What did you do?!"
"More to the point Jack. What did you do."

Jack stops in front of Pitch, holding his staff close to himself.
He watches as he lifts the smaller boy's hoodie, his eyes going to the darkness on his chest, noticing it growing.
Pitch doesn't even need to speak for Jack to know what he's thinking.
He's running out of time.

Hey guys!!
I treated y'all with just a lil' bit of Jelsa.
Also if you're wondering, no I didn't google those quotes. I've watched Rise of the Guardians so many times I can probably recite the entire thing.
'Darkness. That's the first thing I remember. It was cold, and it was dark, and I was scared. And then I saw the moon. It was so big, and so bright. It seemed to chase the darkness away....." etc etc.
Yes, I know, I live a sad life.
Anyway I hope you're having a good day, and I'll (hopefully) see you tomorrow with the FiGhT sCeNe!!i!i!
- Wolfie 😊 xx

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