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"What do we do now?" Rapunzel murmurs, hanging her head as she thought of her lost friends, the Guardians

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"What do we do now?" Rapunzel murmurs, hanging her head as she thought of her lost friends, the Guardians.
Looking to Jack, Hiccup asks, "Isn't there anyone else?"
"Well, yeah, but if those two are afraid, then..."
"Then they all must be," Elsa sighs, fiddling with a strand of her white hair.
"Screw the help, anyway," Merida decided, walking forward and folding her arms, her green eyes flickering between each of her friends, filled with determination. "We're the Seasons, aren't we? We can do this on our own. All we need is a plan."
"North usually comes up with the plans," Rapunzel points out softly.
"He's come up with one, maybe two of the plans," Merida argues.
"Well, actually-"
"Shush!" Merida narrows her eyes momentarily at her, before turning. "Jack. You've fought Pitch before, right?"
"Uh.. yeah?"
"And those shadowy horse things?"
"Nightmare creatures, and yeah, but only with the other guardians."
"Well, with or without the Guardians you fought them. Did Pitch or his minions have any weaknesses?"
"Or patterns? Like, re-occurring places, or time," Rapunzel pipes in, starting to catch onto Merida's thinking.
Jack runs a pale hand through his white hair, hesitating.
"Anything that can help us. Anything at all." Elsa meets his eyes, standing up straighter.
Jack leans against his staff. "The nightmare creatures.. they can technically be brought down easily, but they have large numbers, which is why they were always difficult. And-"

Fifty years ago, the Sandman died

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Fifty years ago, the Sandman died.
His streak of hope faded to nothing, for odds were against him, and his golden cloud was surrounded by only darkness.
The sky was dark, and Pitch watched with a smirk as Jack had flown upwards, all logic lost, just desperate to get to his friend on time.
Fifty years ago, Jack had heard a voice calling to him. He'd flown to find out who seemed so recognisable. He'd flown through the dark skies and down a dark hole into a cave-like place, only to greet his enemy with a little golden box in his hand.
Fifty years ago, the Guardians had been surrounded, and all hope had been lost. The sky was dark, but Pitch's power had been darker. But on that night, Jamie had saved everyone. And after a lot of wonder, the skies brightened, and the creatures disappeared.
Surely not...
One thing linked those nights together.
"What is it, Jack?" A gentle voice interrupts his thoughts, and his blue eyes meet Elsa's.
"What?" Hiccup frowns.
Merida and Rapunzel look equally discombobulated.
"We always fought him and the nightmares in the dark, at night. Never during the day," Jack realises.
"A desert!" Elsa smiles suddenly.
"Why do you two keep saying random words that make no sense in the conversation!" Merida complains.
"Sorry," A blush rises to her delicate cheeks. "Um, if they always fought in the dark, we should go to a place that has short night times and is always very bright."
"A desert," Hiccup nods slowly, looking to his dragon friend.
"In the hopes of what?" Merida pushes.
"In the hopes that the nightmares won't be able to form, and Pitch will be forced to fight us alone," Rapunzel nods.
"And the failsafe is?"
"The what?" Jack frowns.
"Y'know, the backup plan. If they find a way to form?"
"Then we split up, so the nightmares' numbers are more thinly spread. Try and close in on Pitch," Elsa decides.
Damn she's hot when she takes charge.
Wait. What?
Jack nods a little, "Okay then."
"Told you we don't need Santa Claus to make the plans," Merida smirks and nudges Rapunzel.
"We can do this, guys," Elsa smiles at the group, her hand going to the weapon Tooth had had made for her.
"Wait - one more question," Hiccup pats Toothless' head for no apparent reason. "How do we even get Pitch there?"
"We're the only things in his way of total world domination. He'll come to us." Jack looks between the Seasons.
He'd never admit to it, but he was proud of the group.
They'd certainly grown from when they first got here.
"Now remember. Swords and shields aren't our only weapons against Pitch," He says.
"A shield isn't a-" Hiccup tries to speak up, only to be cut off.
"You have your powers. Use them. They will serve you well if you do not doubt your own abilities."

Pitch Black looks up to the sky silently, his gleaming eyes focused on the moon

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Pitch Black looks up to the sky silently, his gleaming eyes focused on the moon.
"It seems your precious Seasons are finally preparing for battle." He smirks slightly to himself.
"I have been ready for fifty years, old friend. You expect too much from just a group of children."
And he turns his back to it, vanishing once more into the shadows.

Well, uh, I definitely didn't finish this by the holidays, did I?
- Wolfie x
(Sorryyyyyy)(One more chapter to go tho 😜)

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