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"So. Who do we ask next?" Merida frowns, looking at the visibly worn out Toothless nearby and hoping for the dragons' sake that it wasn't too far.
Jack seems to notice too and looks at Rapunzel. "You have animal-y powers, right? Give him some energy." He suggests, his shoulder resting on his staff. "We're going to try and find Father Time."
"Ooh! Mother Nature and Father Time, my new OTP," Rapunzel whispers softly in Merida's ear, giggling slightly as she tended to Toothless.
"I wouldn't mention that. We need to get him to like us," Jack raises an eyebrow at the brunette, who blushes slightly.
"Your choice of wording - to like us rather than to help us - suggests that he currently doesn't like us," Elsa frowns.
"Or doesn't like you," Merida adds.
He grins sheepishly, running a hand through his hair, "I like to have fun, okay? Whether that be causing a blizzard in the middle of Easter, stealing from the Leprechaun's pot of gold or-"
"You stole from the pot of gold?!" Hiccup stares at him. "Isn't that supposed to be serious bad luck?"
"Yeah. Couldn't fly safely for a week - worth it though."
"Can we focus?" Merida sighs, looking between them. "Where is this guy, anyway?"
"He doesn't really tend to stay in one place," Jack answers thoughtfully.
"Then how do we find him?"
Jack lifts his staff from the ground and with the end of it, draws a circle in the air. Naturally, ice forms where he 'drew'. Then he drew two lines on it, and the numbers 0-11. He lifts his hands and the clock raises high into the sky. "Shoot it, Merida, please."
Merida nods, quickly slinging the bow from her shoulder, loading it with an arrow. She raises it, focusing on the target above, pulling the string back. Her feet remain about shoulder width apart, and one of her fingers on the string is above the arrow, and two below. Her elbow is bent properly, and her back is straight. As she releases, she breathes out softly, and moves her elbow back as if elbowing someone behind her.
The arrow flies straight, slamming into the centre of the icy clock in the sky.
"Nice," Jack complimented, shielding his eyes as he looked up.
They wait for a few seconds.
"Is anything supposed to happen?" Elsa asks in a murmur.
Jack hushed her, looking around still.
Then a few moments more later and he groans slightly.
"Maybe he didn't see it?" Hiccup suggests.
"Oh, I did see it," A deep voice comes from behind them.
Merida spins round, her hand instinctively going to her bow.
There stood a man, mostly covered by a blue cloak wth a hood. His face, however, could be seen. He has a shaggy long beard, a thin mouth, and bright golden eyes - but they weren't like Pitch's. They were warmer, kinder.
In one of his hands he held a staff taller than himself: which was saying something. At the top of it, carved in was a clock face, staring down at them and glinting in the light.
He gave the group the feeling that they should either be running, or bowing.
"Father Time," Jack said, looking at him.
"Frost." The man moves his staff, and Jack freezes on the spot, frozen in time.
Elsa's eyes go to him in worry.
"Sorry. I don't trust him. You four Seasons, however, have given me no reason to dislike you."
"You know who we are?" Merida asks.
"Of course. I know everyone, when they will be born and when they will die."
Merida hesitates, glancing at the others before asking another question. "Are my brothers alive?"
His expression softens, "Ah yes, the fear trap you all got trapped in. Don't worry, young Merida Autumn. Your brothers are fine in health, just afraid like most of the globe."
"That's actually what we came here to ask you about," Hiccup comments quietly, watching him. "Can you help us? Against Pitch, I mean."
He sighs at the question. "No." he spoke, rather too quickly. "Time is friend to no one. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do."
"No, wait, sir," Rapunzel murmurs, guessing how he planned to teleport away again. "Can't you just tell us how we can win? I mean, if you can see all of the possible outcomes of the future, surely you can see in which one we win?"
Father Time looks down at her, before shaking his head. "I'm sorry." He repeated, before vanishing.
As he does, Jack unfreezes and glances between their disappointed expressions. "No luck?" He sighs.
"He was afraid, too," Elsa sighs, hanging her head.
Merida's eyes go to Hiccup, who looks worried too.
Hiccup looks at her in return, and must have seen her concern and moves his hand, taking hers and squeezing it comfortingly.
A hint of a smile crosses Merida's smile, only for a minute, and the corners of her lips raise slightly.
And she squeezes his hand back, looking back to the rest of the group.

Awwe. Another failed call for help! Is it time to give up? Or will the group keep searching?!
I can't believe I've only got two chapters left to write. I've loved writing this book, and I've loved having a lil play with these characters. I've gotten used to writing a chapter on the bus on the way to school now - I'll probably miss it, even though it was just a bit stressful when I first said I'd update once a day.
QOTD: Favourite ice cream flavour?
Thanks for reading!
- Wolfie xx

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