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The room had a completely different feeling to the rest of the workshop

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The room had a completely different feeling to the rest of the workshop. Rather than excitement, and the aura of wonder hanging in the air, the weaponry gives a more serious vibe, perhaps almost... daunting.
The walls were lined with weapons of all shapes and sizes.
There were long bows and crossbows and small shields and tall shields. There were thin one-handed swords and larger two-handed ones. There was daggers and katanas. Spears, throwing stars and even boomerangs. You name it – it was probably there.
Elsa notices the red-head's eyes fixed on the bows.
North looks between them, a slight grin on his face at some of their expressions, "Go ahead. Anything you'd like that isn't here, just talk to one of the elves."
Merida practically sprints over to the bows and arrows, lifting a few off of their stands to test out the string. Her stance was perfect – elbow raised, eyes focused, straight back.
Hiccup wanders around for a little while, his eyes searching.
Elsa notices as Rapunzel smiles a little and bends down to one of the small creatures dressed in red that jingled cheerfully as they moved, whispering something to him. Unlike the others, she doesn't move, and glances around sceptically.
"What's wrong?" a gentle tone interrupts her thoughts, and the girl turns to see the tooth fairy fluttering besides her.
"I've never liked things like this," She admits softly, looking around still.
"Don't worry, neither have I," Tooth smiles admittedly, putting her hands on the girl's shoulders. "But at least you don't need to worry about trying to pick one. I felt like I needed to repay you, for uh.. what I did," She pauses, sighing a little at the memory before continuing. "So, I had one made for you."
A few fairies, far smaller than her but with similar colourful feathers, flutter over to the two, holding a dagger between themselves.
The handle was a silvery grey, and the blade an ice blue. Patterns danced across it the metal, a few in the shapes of snowflakes.
Elsa takes a hold of it, lifting it carefully from the grip of the fairies and looking over it in silent awe. It seemed to glint as she touched it.
"What does it do?" Elsa questions, her blue eyes still on the faint glow.
"It's quite alike your powers. It... directs streaks of ice towards your opponent as you use it," Tooth explains, looking at her.
"Thank you," Elsa says softly, looking over it still before tucking it neatly into the belt of her dress. Then a thought strikes her, and she looks up at the fairy. "You're the guardian of memories, right? Well then why don't you just wipe your memory and forget about what you did?" The girl questions, a slight frown upon her lips remembering why she had the blade made.
Tooth looks back at her and offers yet another small smile, her violet eyes full of kindness. "Because your memories make you who you are, as painful as some are."
A few seconds later, two voices exclaim at once, "A frying pan?!"
The two look away from their conversation, to see Bunny and North looking open-mouthed at the recently-brunette princess' choice of weapon.
"Yup!" Rapunzel smiles cheerfully. "Once a brown haired guy attacked me in the kitchen and tried to steal my tiara. The closest thing to me was one of these," She nods towards the metallic pan in her hand. "So I whacked him with it. He was knocked out and I locked him in one of the cupboards. Of course, why there was a random guy in the cupboard was difficult to explain to mother." She laughs a little, spinning the frying pan in her hand. "Our soldiers have been using them ever since."
Merida raises an eyebrow and exchanges a surprised-but-not-really look with Hiccup.
"At least take a dagger too - just in case," Bunny points out skeptically, his arms on his sides.
"Have you two chosen too?" North looks over at Merida and Hiccup.
Merida nods, lifting a bow. Across her back, a large number of arrows rested in their pouch.
"Yeah," Hiccup replies, glancing down at his shining new shield and one handed axe.
North nods again, before putting his hand on the door handle and pulling open a large, heavy wooden door, which creaks at the movement, as if it hadn't been used in a while.
"Then you better get practicing," North nodded, remembering how defenceless they'd been when the Guardians left them.
Sandy leads the way into the room, a bird of sand perched on his shoulder.
The Seasons follow.
Bright light flooded their eyesight, and they had to shield their eyes as they adjusted to this new light.
Glass made up the walls and ceiling, allowing them to see for miles across the snowy landscape outside.
"Woah," Rapunzel compliments, gazing at the view in amazement.
"Shouldn't it be freezing cold in here?" Hiccup points out logically.
"How long is it gonna take you to realise magic isn't logical?" Merida teases, nudging him playfully.
Bunny smirks a little and steps forward into the middle of the large room.

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