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Mother Nature had left, soon after Merida's training

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Mother Nature had left, soon after Merida's training. Her visit had only been temporary, for she has quite a large role to fulfil in this world, and Nature wasn't really the best fighter, anyway.
The three of them had been assigned rooms for practice.
Merida focuses on an object in front of her. It was just a pen, but it was a start. Along with the elements, she'd discovered she had the power of telekinesis.
Her mind isn't on the pen though. It's on the orchard she'd been shown.
The pen slowly begins to lift into the air, with no apparent wind acting on it, and gravity loosening its grip.
A door flies open loudly behind her, and the image of the orchard fades. The pen drops.
Merida spun round, raising an eyebrow seeing Bunny there. "What?"
"Mani has found Pitch, Jack and Elsa. We need to go," He said urgently.
Merida sighs but gets to her feet and nods, scooping her beloved bow into her arms and following him out of the room, and down some corridors she was yet to explore.
The rest of the Guardians and Seasons waited for them by an old, wooden door, and not a word passed between them.
"Ready?" North asks the group, who all nod. Then he pushes it open with a creak, revealing..
"Santa's slay!" Rapunzel murmurs in excitement, running inside and gazing across it in wonder. Then she notices the reindeer at the front and runs to them instead, patting them and calming them with but a single look.
"Woah.." Hiccup murmured beside Merida looking at it.
North grins slightly and nudges Bunny, "everyone loves the slay!"
"Just get in," Bunny rolls his eyes in return, hopping onto the seats and clenching his jaw slightly at the idea of flying again.
Tooth flutters on too, and the three Seasons follow.
The moment of joy is replaced a grim feeling as they once again remember the reason why they had to go on it in the first place.
North picks up the reigns and whips them down, and the Reindeers start galloping across the ice.
The loop-the-loops are given a miss, as the Seasons run the risk of falling out.
"There's another route out?" Bunny stated the obvious, groaning slightly. "Why didn't we use it before?"
"Seeing a green bunny is funny, no?" North smiles slightly.
Merida jerks back as the sleigh takes to the sky, looking over the edge in thought. "Where are they, anyway?"
"The Eiffel Tower. They're preparing for something. Something bad."
"Ooh! Paris," Rapunzel smiles, shrugging at the looks she received.
Merida sees something black in the corner of her eye, glancing back and flinching in surprise. "You brought the dragon?!"
"Of course I did," Hiccup shrugs, moving to the side of the sleigh and carefully lowering himself onto the Night Fury's back. Toothless' eyes lock onto the red head for a second, before looking forward, and she could have sworn that that dragon looked smug, even if just for a moment.
"We could use all the help we could get," Tooth murmurs, Sandy nodding his agreement.
"It might eat me, though," Merida states, watching him still.
"He might eat you. And no, he won't," Hiccup sighs, leaning over and taking her hand.
Merida furrows her eyebrows and goes to pull away, but Hiccup offers her a small smile of comfort before placing it on Toothless' head.
She hesitates, her eyes going between Hiccup and the dragon uncertainly. Then she relaxes slightly, patting his head.
Toothless opens his mouth, and she's about to scream when she realises he was trying to smile.
"Oh- uh, I guess he's not that bad."
"Focus, you two. We're here."
The sleigh flies smoothly over the streets of Paris, heading towards the triangular tower in the distance.
On the top floor stood a tall, dark figure, beside a girl wearing a bright blue dress and a boy wearing a darker blue hoodie.
"I hope she's okay," Rapunzel murmurs from beside Merida.
The sleigh flies closer, circling the popular monument that just so happened to be empty at that particular time, before coming to a stop near them. The group of seven climb off and stand, wielding their weapons and shooting glares towards Pitch Black himself.
The shadowed figure muttered something to the two, turning his back.
Jack smirks and spins round his staff, before aiming it towards them. "Stay out of our way. I'm warning you."
Elsa doesn't look at them, but her hands are by her sides and forming ice hovering above her palm warningly.
"Elsa?" Rapunzel's voice comes.
Merida stares at her.
"What he said." Elsa answers softly, still avoiding their gazes.
She's not under the spell, too, is she?
No. She can't be. She's not acting like him..
"The two of you can't fight us all at once," Merida comments, looking between the two of them.
Elsa wordlessly lifts her hands, and suddenly a wall of ice stretches out between them.
Hiccup looks back to his dragon, hovering nearby, nodding. Toothless obediently flies closer and starts firing fireballs at it. Merida pipes in, thinking of the orchard and allowing a flame to form in her hands.
It doesn't take long for the wall to give way, and the Guardians quickly move towards Jack.
Merida, Hiccup and a startled Rapunzel advance on Elsa.
"Elsa, just stop whatever the hell you're doing now before anything happens." Merida suggests.
"I'm sorry," Elsa answers.
In the background, Jack and the Guardians' fight is intense, and the sounds of ice and weapon clashing came.
But this group just stood staring at one another in silence, waiting for someone to go first, no one wanting to attack the other.
Then Hiccup seems to volunteer, running at her with no intention of causing the platinum-haired any injury. Elsa defends herself, meeting his sword quickly with a dagger of ice, grabbing his wrist to stop him as he was about to lower his shield. He yelled out as ice began to form on his wrist, stumbling back.
Merida moved forward, quickly stepping in front of Hiccup and firing a couple of arrows at her. Elsa lifts her hands, and a blockade of ice freezes them in their path through the air.
Rapunzel throws her frying pan at the girl - which surprisingly works, stunning her momentarily.
Merida leaps on top of her, pinning her to the ground by her wrists.
"I'm sorry," Elsa repeats softly, before kicking upwards, and Merida cries out as she felt a rock hard ice against her side, knocking to the ground.
Once separated, Elsa raises her hands and forms another wall of ice,  but this time, this move moves. Forcing them to retreat backwards, towards the edge.
"Elsa, stop! Please," Rapunzel's pleads are no use, and Merida screams out as she began plummeting towards the ground.
Is this it?
Are we gonna die for real this time?
Then she feels something hard against her back, a slight jingling coming from her left.
The sleigh.
Merida gets to her feet, just in time to watch the heroes of her childhood begin falling, but never reach the ground, simply vanishing into non-existence.

Tears are in her eyes

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Tears are in her eyes.
The looks in her friends' faces had been the worst part.
Rapunzel had looked afraid. Merida had looked angry. Hiccup had looked... betrayed.
"NOW!" Pitch's yell comes from behind her.
She hesitates.
She looks at Jack.
Then she closes her eyes, and concentrates.

The fear that had been strategically placed on the tower was spread through a cold breeze that travelled around the globe.
The fear filled the hearts of every man, woman and child.
The Guardians are forgotten.
Wonder, joy, memories, dreams... fun.
Replaced with a darkness.
A darkness that would allow a dark figure to gain control.

HALF AN HOUR, okay?!?!?!?!?£!?! HALF an HOUR. I still have half an hour. I finished today's chapter in time. My updating streak continues. ;)
If you haven't noticed, I'm not that great at writing fight scenes... okay, I'm terrible at them. Add that onto the fact i waited so late in the day to write that part, and, well, we've got a bit of a train wreck of a chapter. So I'm sorry if it's not that great. 😅
Also if you're wondering what happened, Pitch Black turned his back because he was focusing on covering the entire tower with his dark sand. Then when the two winter spirits caused it to be cold, the air they created mixed with the sand and spread the fear across the entire globe (shh physics doesn't matter in this world there are fairies and magic).
Ill probably explain this in further detail in the morning, but I'm half asleep so I'm 95% sure if I tried right now it wouldn't make any sense.
Goodnight! Hope you're all good!
- Wolfie x

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