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The sun's harsh rays shine down upon a group of five. Sand stretches out as far as the eye can see, surrounding them.
One stands, leaning on what appears to be a long stick, with a curved end. He's trying to appear confident, but his nerves show through. His icy blue eyes dart about, searching. Waiting.
Another boy is perched on the side of a dark as night dragon. He's gripping a sword, staring at the ground. Determination fills his usually gentle brown eyes.
A third fiddles with her ungloved hands, twisting her fingers in turn, trying to remain calm, but the knowledge that they were to face the enemy was causing her to feel apprehensive.
The next girl has plopped herself down on the warm sand, cross legged, but she barely notices the heat. Her mind was at work, going over all that she had been taught in the last couple of manic days. Her nerves are bordering excitement - an eagerness for the enemy to finally reveal himself, and become defeated.
The last stands. Her gaze, too, flickers about, and her hand rests impatiently on the bow resting on her shoulder. Unlike the others, she isn't nervous, or determined. She is angry. Her mind is stuck on her memories, her memories of the Guardians. Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, and the Sandman. Especially the Easter Bunny, whom she'd grown rather fond of. She knew that they had to win, they had to get their vanished friends back.

The five don't think of it yet, but they are the globe's - the children's - last hope. If they succeed, the world will return to normal, and the fear will disperse. But if they were to fail...

All hope would be lost.

Elsa sighs out softly

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Elsa sighs out softly.
For the third time, she tries raising her hand, and creating a snowflake. She tries throwing it in the air.
It melts, and falls back onto her head as a drop of water.
"Guys, my powers are gonna be useless in this heat," She murmurs, just loud enough for the other four to hear.
"Have you tried firing those streaks?" Hiccup questions, his eyes focused on the ground.
"No, but-"
"Don't worry, Elsa. You just need to focus, stop allowing the heat to affect you. I can do it fine."
Jack raises his staff and causes a group of snowflakes to flutter downwards, before giving her a pointed look. His expression gentles, then, for he saw her nerves. "Don't worry, Elsa. I promise, I won't let you get hurt."
"What about us? Will you protect us, too?" Merida furrows her eyebrows, smirking playfully and exchanging another knowing look with Hiccup.
"I'll protect all of you. But you'll be fine," Jack sighs slightly.
"Guys," Rapunzel suddenly speaks, stumbling clumsily to her feet. Her eyes are focused on the horizon, and the other four follow her gaze.

Pitch Black.

Toothless growls from nearby.
Hiccup gets off of his back. The group starts walking towards him, nearby one another, forcing themselves to not be afraid.
Because fear is his speciality.
They attempt to surround him, weapons and magic at the ready. But as they move into a circle around him...
Nightmare creatures - more than they'd ever seen together - surround him, forming a protective layer, all snorting and pawing the ground, waiting for a command, a command to attack.
There weren't just horses. Bats, and wolves, and rats, and monkeys, and lobsters, and bees.
All nightmares.
"Did he have this many before?" Elsa calls to Jack, her cheeks paler than usual.
"No," Jack answers gravely.
Pitch smirks at them. "I'll give you this one chance to give up."
"No way!" Merida yells.
"Never." That's Jack.
"In your dreams." Rapunzel.
"You should give up." Hiccup.
Elsa just shakes her head, trying to still her shaking hands.
Pitch laughs coldly, the sound echoing about them.
Then: "Boo."
The nightmares attack.

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