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Ireland, Hiccup decided, wasn't too different from his previous home in Berk, and he liked it for it

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Ireland, Hiccup decided, wasn't too different from his previous home in Berk, and he liked it for it.
It was cold, foggy, and had quite a few mountains and hills.
They'd flown here with Merida, Rapunzel and himself on Toothless' back, and Jack flying alongside them whilst holding onto Elsa.
And now they stood on the outskirts of a forest, all squinting and looking around.
"How are we supposed to spot a rainbow in this fog?" Elsa frowns, looking to Jack.
"I didn't really see the point of showing you before, but I guess now is as good of a time as any," Jack answers looking at her thoughtfully, a slight breeze moving through his hair. "I have a feeling that another one of your powers is light manipulation."
Hiccup raises an eyebrow, "How come?"
Jack glances at him, "Snow and ice tend to reflect light." He looks at Elsa again. "Okay, focus on that winter scene again, but this time thinking about the light, shining off the glistening snow and ice."
After a few seconds, the sun above them brightens, dismissing the fog, which clears speedily.
"Okay, great, now we can see. But how are we supposed to follow a rainbow if it requires sun and rain?" Merida folds her arms.
Jack laughs slightly, "aren't you the one with elemental control? Fill the clouds with water." He leans against his staff, an excitable glint in his eye.
Hiccup pats Toothless between the ears again, watching the others still.
Merida rolls her eyes but a sheepish smile grows on her face. She then shuts her eyelids and lifts her hands, focusing.
Jack watches, a look on curiosity on his face, which quickly shifts into slight surprise and slight amazement as a drip of water lands on his head.
"What?" Merida asks him as she opens her eyes, smirking slightly at him. "Didn't think I could do it?"
"No. I've just never seen anyone get the hang of their powers as quickly as you guys have," he admits.
"We had a good teacher," Hiccup smiles slightly, remembering Mother Nature.
No more words are spoken as the group watches the sky, keeping an eye out for any arcs of colour stretching over the sky.
"There!" Rapunzel spots, pointing to it.
"It leads into the woods," Hiccup noted.
"Of course it does," Jack sighs, and the wind lifts him off his feet. "Come on." He flies off into the woods, following the rainbow.
Naturally, Elsa follows after him, running rather amazingly well in her heels.
Hiccup exchanges a knowing glance with Merida, and Rapunzel giggles slightly watching her platinum-haired friend disappearing into the growth.
The three of them follow after at a walking pace, feeling no urgency to run for they were simply following a rainbow.
"It's like it's getting closer," Rapunzel points out softly in amazement, her eyes still on the sky.
Merida and Hiccup stand quite close, at a distance that would make a stranger uncomfortable. Rapunzel just skips ahead unknowingly, watching the rainbow still.
"Do you think this Leprechaun will help us?" Merida asks quietly, her eyes moving momentarily onto Hiccup before darting back to what's ahead.
"According to myths and folklore, he's a type of Irish fairy that is quite mischievous. But some say he's quite understanding, so honestly I have no idea," Hiccup runs a hand through his brown curls in thought.
They fall silent once more, and pretty soon they come to a clearing. In the centre was the end of the rainbow, and at the bottom of it a pot of cold, which Jack was sitting upon, his legs dangling over the edge.
"Get off o' my pot o' gold!" An angry voice snaps, and moments after the there's arrival a very small figure appears, running out of a bush.
He's a very little bearded man, wearing a clover-green coat and hat. His beard is a bright red, and his words are spoken with a heavy Irish accent.
"Frost. What does ya' want now?" He huffs, batting his hand at Jack grumpily until the Winter Spirit stands up again. "An' what you doin' bringing mortals about with ya'?" His eyes move onto the four nearby.
"They aren't mortals. They're the Seasons," Jack answers, pausing before continuing. "We need your help?"
"Oh that's mighty fine, coming from ya'," The leprechaun complains, stomping his feet.
"Please, sir," Rapunzel murmurs, looking down to him. "Pitch Black has spread his fear about the globe. We need help stopping him." She kneels down, meeting his eye.
The man hesitates at Pitch's name, before shaking his head and turning his heel, not looking at the group. "I shan't. Nope. Not gonna. Pitch'll squash a lil' man like me."
"You can't even give us a little luck?" Elsa tries from nearby.
"Good. Day." He snaps, and disappears into the brushes once more.
"He's not usually that grumpy," Jack raises an eyebrow. "And he hasn't pranked us yet."
"I think he's afraid," Hiccup says quietly.
"What now?" Merida mumbles.
"We try someone else, I guess," Rapunzel sighs. The group go to walk back to where they left Toothless when a sound of a stick snapping comes, and they turn round in surprise to see Jack dangling upside-down in the air by one foot, a noose of rope wrapped around his ankle.
Elsa giggles.
Did Elsa just giggle?
"Scratch that 'too scared to pull pranks' idea," Jack groans.
"Hold on," Merida sighs, retrieving her bow from her shoulder and pulling an arrow from it's quiver. She pulls the string back, aims, and fires.
Hiccup noticed how she breathed out softly as she released the arrow.
Jack yelped, falling flat on his face to the ground before sitting up and grabbing his staff. "You could have hit me!"
"Only if I wanted to," Merida answers, smiling. "Come on pretty boy. Let's go."

Heyyyy me again!
So apparently the fear affects immortals too! Who'd have known? ^ - ^ (except for me ofc)
Soo I'm going to give myself to the end of this week rather than until Friday to finish this, because then I have a day to write each chapter except for the last one which I will have 2 days for because that chapter's gonna be longgg.
If you do the maths you'll realise that means that there's only 3 more chapters to go after this one, and then I've completed my second fanfic!
Yay!! And also awe - I've enjoyed writing this.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you're having a great day.
QOTD: Waffles or Pancakes for breakfast? (Pls help my friends and I solve this argument !)
- Wolfie xx

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