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Close your eyes, and imagine summer time

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Close your eyes, and imagine summer time.
See in your mind a beach scene - the bright, warm rays of the sun casting it's light upon the world, the inviting, blue sea, the feeling of sand beneath the feet. Look at the adults, relaxing with a book. The teenagers, working on their tans, or going for a swim. The children, making sand castles or burying one another in the sand or pestering their parents for some deliciously cold ice cream. Notice those who are there on their holidays, and those who travelled for a day trip. The hotels, laying just off of the coast, looking out to sea. The suitcases of anyone arriving in a taxi. The shops stocking up in buckets and spades and beach balls and swimming costumes and whatever else. Picture the emotions of everyone - the tiredness after being under the sun for so long, the excitement after the grumpiness of the stuffy classrooms that children dealt with all week.
Now think of all of that power... in yourself.

It's Hiccup's turn to be stood with his eyes closed, with Mother Nature's gentle touch on his shoulder. A bead of sweat travels down his forehead, and his cheeks were red, as if he were hot.
She gently takes his wrist in her hand, and raises it, so his outstretched palm faces the glass wall.
"Focus on that heat. The sun beaming down on that beach. The tanning girls."
Hiccup smiles slightly.
The room gets hotter. Much hotter.
To the point where Bunnymund - covered in fur - is fanning his face, staring in surprise at the Season in front of him.
"Alright. Now see a cloud, moving across and blocking out the sun, causing a shadow on the sand and relief to some for the opportunity of applying more suncream."
The room cools once more.
She looks up and flashes a soft smile to the surprised rabbit in front of her.
"Remember the emotions from before? The fatigue. See the adults dozing off under the sun. See the teenagers fighting to keep their eyelids open as they bathe in the sunlight." She takes his hand once more, stepping forward and pressing it against Bunny's fur.
He frowns a little, "Hey. It's not gonna work on me-"
"Shush. He's focusing," She murmurs in his ear, shutting him up quickly, before watching with a smile as Bunny's eyelids seem to get heavier, before he shakes his head rapidly in an attempt of preventing this.
"I'm not... I'm not tired." He managed, before his eyes close and he curls up in a ball on the floor, drifting off to sleep.
Mother Nature laughs, "Well done my dear. You can open your eyes once more."
Hiccup obeys and grins sheepishly noticing the overgrown rabbit on the ground.
She claps her hands together, as if in pride, but steps back against the wall, watching with a curiosity dancing in her eyes.
Hiccup tilts his head slightly as she does before hearing something behind him, spinning around to see a row of thorns advancing quickly towards him. He flinched and held his hands in front of him on instinct, turning his head away.
Nothing happens, and they wrap around him quite tightly, but the thorns do not dig into his skin.
"You can get out of this, Summer. I believe in you." She murmurs.
Summers a girl's name-
"Yes, I am aware of this, but it is also yours," She states.
He blushes slightly, before looking at the thorns, thinking. She'd shown him his control over emotion, and heat.
But emotion doesn't work on plants.
After a few moments of thinking, his mind realises that comes usually must grow in the shade, because they cannot stand a temperature any higher than about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. He closes his eyes and focuses, remembering the sun shining over the beach.
The vines weaken, wither, and then die.
He steps out of them and looks up at Mother Nature hopefully.
"Well done!" She laughs, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around the smaller boy.
Hiccup freezes in place for a second - since a Viking rarely hugs anyone - before remembering who she was and noticing how... nice the hug was.
"thank you." He whispers, leaning into her.
"Whatever for, young Season?" She smiles.
"Well, for helping us." Hiccup answers, glancing up at her.
"For helping me," He smiles, finally hugging her back.
"It's my pleasure, child."

Filler chapter no. 2 complete!
Awe, Hiccup. Remember this occurs after his first film, but before the second ever happened. So he's never had a mother. And Mother Nature is technically the mother to all living things, including them.
It's like he's finally got one.
Those end lines, when he switches from helping 'us' to helping 'me' are important, because this bean is a bit selfless, like Rapunzel, and always prioritises others and their thoughts, and it's like he finally realised his place in this magical world.
Hope you enjoyed ^_^
QOTD: Do you believe in magic?

- Wolfie x

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