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The Seasons are sat one in front of the other on Toothless' back

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The Seasons are sat one in front of the other on Toothless' back. Rapunzel at the front, then Hiccup, then Merida, then Elsa.
The saddle had been taken off because it took up too much room, but the foot rests remained on either side, with Hiccup helping the dragon to fly with his lost tail-wing.
Every so often, the brunette would lean forward and give the Night Fury's head a gentle pat, calming and comforting the grumpy dragon.
Merida was closing her eyes and concentrating on the wind, moving it out of their path to make it easier (or at least, trying anyway), but also refusing to look at the height they were at.
They flew over land, then sea, then more land, and more sea.
Elsa was showing off her geography knowledge, pointing out any landmarks they flew over. A smile was on her face - Rapunzel could tell she was grateful for the others' forgiveness, and she was glad they were heading towards Jack.
Awe. They would be a cute couple.
Rapunzel smiles to herself, despite never actually having met the Winter Spirit when he wasn't... evil.
A couple of hours of awkward silences and random statements later, and Elsa points out Australia below them. "There's an abandoned prison, to the West. Keep an eye out for it."
The group searched the grounds, and the silence returned. Even Toothless jerked his head so often, looking left and right.
Rapunzel noticed a large building, with a watch tower and tall fences. "Is that it?"
"Yep," Elsa murmurs.
"Toothless, take us down gently, okay?" Hiccup told the dragon.
He seems to huff, but tilts his wings and starts lowering to the ground gradually.
When they finally land they climb off his back, with Rapunzel sneaking him a treat and thanking him.
They grab their weapons and looked at the doors looking before them.
"This.. this place looks big," Rapunzel murmurs.
"We'll split up. Be stealthy, through." Merida doesn't hesitate, shoving the door open with her foot as her hands were on her bow. Without waiting for their answer, she goes in one direction.
The remaining three exchange glances and sigh.
"Meet back here in half an hour, okay? If anything goes wrong..." Hiccup pauses, before adding. "Get Toothless to roar down the corridors. We'll hear it."
"Got it," Elsa murmurs, glancing at the remaining corridors before selecting the one that felt the most familiar.
Rapunzel smiles nervously to Hiccup, before walking in another direction.
She went down corridor after corridor, her heart racing.
Finally, she came across a cell block, squinting in the darkness to try and see anything.
"J.. jack?" She managed to murmur, closing the door behind her and looking in the first cell.
She moved onto the second.
She moved onto the third, and...
"Mother?" She whispers, quickly pulling open the cell door with shaky hands and running inside. "Mother, what are you doing here? I've missed you-"
"Shh, darling," The woman murmurs nervously, pulling the girl into a tight hug, biting her lip.
"What.. what's wrong?" Rapunzel asks.
"We have to be quiet. Else she.. the woman might find you," She answers softly, her voice breaking half way through.
"The.. woman?"
Rapunzel gets to her feet and moves to the bars, looking through, swallowing.
The door to the cell block she had entered through just moments ago was now being guarded by a pale skinned, relatively young woman, with dark black hair that laid on her shoulders.
The woman she recognised to have been thrown in jail many years ago, for attempted child kidnapping.
Rapunzel pales and quickly runs back into her mothers arms, nestling close to her and closing her eyes.

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