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The group of seven (plus a dragon) walk into the darkened church, the only light sources a few torches scattered around and a few slit windows that let narrow beams of sunlight in

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The group of seven (plus a dragon) walk into the darkened church, the only light sources a few torches scattered around and a few slit windows that let narrow beams of sunlight in.
Toothless knocks over one of the benches as he walks in, and his green eyes widen as he spun around trying to avoid furniture.
"Maybe you should wait outside, bud," Hiccup suggests, patting his neck. "Don't worry, I'll be okay."
"Yeah, we'll protect him mate," Bunny glances over at the dragon.
Toothless seems to huff but tucks his wings in and exits once more, laying down outside the door and curling his tail around himself.
Hiccup looks around in thought, his eyes skimming across the carefully carved patterns on the walls and the religiously required alter at the front of the room. "Why'd we choose a church again?"
"Well, it's enclosed, barely used by the townspeople, and it means something to Jack," Tooth explains, lowering herself to the ground. "It's quite near where he was reborn. He used to come here all the time for a break from all the people walking through him."
"People walkin' through him?" Merida frowns, her hands on her sides.
"If someone can't see you, they can't see you. They'll walk through you like your not even there. He used to hate it," Tooth requires softly, her shoulders falling at the memory.
"What does it feel like?" Rapunzel asks softly, glancing between the other three Guardians whom were busying themselves looking away, like the floor suddenly became mildly interesting.
"Um.." Tooth glances at the others and sighs at their rather obvious attempt to avoid the question. "It's hard to explain. Don't worry, though. Let's just focus on the task at hand."
Hiccup looks between the Guardians in thought, before nodding a little. "Okay, then. So we lure him here. With what, though?"
"What do you mean, with what?" North furrows his eyebrows, suddenly back in the conversation.
"What's the bait?" Hiccup pushes, shrugging slightly.
And they all look away again.
"Or whose the bait?" Elsa murmurs from the side, looking between the Guardians whom all shy away from her eye. "It's me, isn't it."
"Yep." "Yeah.." "Sorry?"
Elsa? Why Elsa?
Elsa must have noticed his confused expression. "Jack's taken an interest in me." She murmurs, a soft blush rising to her cheeks.
Hiccup nods a little. That does make sense - two winter spirits would logically be drawn to one another. But then, nothing about this situation is logical - magic, fairies, immortals.
I just hope it works.
"Lets do this," Elsa takes a deep breath and nods to the others.
"Positions!" Bunny seems glad to finally end the awkward conversation.
Hiccup walks outside to Toothless, slinging his leg over. The dragon spreads his wings slowly before taking to the sky, carefully soaring around the building to the back of the church, hidden but ready.

 The dragon spreads his wings slowly before taking to the sky, carefully soaring around the building to the back of the church, hidden but ready

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Elsa walks into the middle of the room, her heart pounding against her chest. She glances around, pretending she didn't know that North was hidden behind a large pillar, Bunny in a cupboard and Sandy and Tooth flying above herself.
"Jack?" Her voice echoes around the church, more confident than she felt. "Jack, are you there?"
She glances up at Tooth who shrugs a little, offering a silent pitiful smile, before continuing to glance around.
The soft sound of wind comes from the entrance behind her, and light footsteps against the stone floor.
"Elsa Winter," A voice says.
It's him.
She hadn't needed to hear him talk to know that. She couldn't explain it - she just knew.
She turns around, quickly unhooking her lip from her tooth as she sees him.
It's him, but it also.. isn't him.
His eyes are dark like before, but now so is his hair. And not just strands - all of it. It's almost like it's... consuming him.
"Jack.." She murmurs, looking at him.
Their conversation ceases when the Guardians spring out from behind him.
Jack just smirks slightly and spins.
Something's wrong.. he didn't seem surprised. Almost like-
Jack ducks smoothly beneath a swing of the sword, and freezes Bunny's boomerang as it flies towards him. The five engage in a four on one fight, with the one winning.
Elsa feels her feet frozen beneath her. Then she remembers her job. Her hands raise and she closes her eyes.
Ice builds up around his feet, legs and chase, encasing him, and forcing him to a halt.
And yet.. he continues smirking.
"Nice job, Elsa!" North compliments, stepping up to Jack's frozen form, his eyes flickering up and down the boy.
"Okay then." Bunny glares at Jack's smirk, and raises the end of his second boomerang to his eyes. "Lets help him see."
"No!" Tooth squeaks before coughing and quickly picking up a potion. "This will work. I found a recipe in the library."
North raises an eyebrow but says nothing, nodding a little and taking it from her, grabbing Jack by his dark hair and tilting his head back. Then he carefully pours the mixture into the boy's eyes.
Jack's smirk widens as they do, and a few seconds later, nothing has happened.
They wait a few more. The other Seasons enter.
"Is it possible you could have made the potion wrong?" Hiccup frowns, looking at Jack.
Tooth frowns a little, "how dare y- I never make mistakes." She turns to him.
Bunny facepalms, "Fairies have incredible precision when it comes to magic and potions. Considering otherwise is..."
"Offensive," Tooth sighs, calming herself.
"Oh.. s-sorry I didn't-"
The group had turned their backs.
Elsa was left standing beside Jack.
A sound of ice. Cracking.
The group spin around again, but there's no time to react.
Jack wraps his arms around Elsa and flies upwards, not caring about the roof he smashes through.
Elsa screams out as she is lifted from the ground, watching her newly found friends getting smaller. Her arms and legs are stuck, won't move to struggle.
And yet.. a pulse of.. something flows through her as she is held against him.
A pulse of energy, maybe.
Or maybe something more.

Hey guys! I'm back to slowly but surely updating. Exams are finally over, and I still have blisters on my feet from the walk.
I aim to try and finish this book by the summer holidays, which is in about 3 or 4 weeks, rather than posting once then not posting for a few months, then going back and promising to keep writing and failing miserably like my Newt fanfic. (Oh yeah, if you've read the maze runner, go check it out!! Currently at 30k reads and I'm v excited)
Also, I have made a plan of what will happen in each chapter, which should help me stay on track of updating.
Feel free to nag me in the comments if I don't update for a while!
Thanks to anyone who bothered reading this ;)
- Wolfie
(P.S Should I start adding QOTD's to this?)
((P.P.S ..should I be writing PS on a book chapter?!))

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