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Tooth watched Elsa go, her eyes swimming with thought

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Tooth watched Elsa go, her eyes swimming with thought. She remembered how happy the girl had been as a child. After all, it was every girls' dream to be a magical princess.
She seemed so different now - lonely. Being different is a harsh thing to humans; she knew that much.
Tooth glances over to North questioningly, who nodded his agreement.
At that her wings begin to flutter, and delicately lift her small frame off of the ground.
She followed after the Winter girl, holding her hands together. She watches as the girl walked out onto the balcony, pausing to look with a soft sigh as the girl raises her hands to the wall, causing ice to flood over.
Just as she is about to step outside, her eyes widen as she notices an unexpected guest.
Jack Frost.
Her heart flutters a little at the sight of him, worried for the younger guardian. She missed his beautiful blue eyes, and his dazzling smile...
Before she can react any further, the Winter Spirit is lifted by the wind. Gone.
Elsa was biting her lip, Tooth noticed.
The fairy quickly turned, murmuring to her fairies to fetch the other guardians before walking to one of the many empty halls.
What had happened between them?
Is Elsa...
Her thoughts are interrupted as the other three enter, Bunny complaining under his breath like usual.
"Tooth, you look very pale," North states, frowning.
Sandy tilts his head a little to her, as if asking what's the matter.
"Better be good. We haven't had to have a meeting for 140 years, give or take. I was trying to prove to the red head I am just as good with the bow and arrow as she is."
"Well... we need to figure out what our main priority is. Jack, or Pitch. Then we need to come up with a plan, and... well, talk about Elsa," Tooth says quietly, looking between them.
"What about her?" North answers, running his fingers through his beard in thought.
"She's always been afraid of her powers. I think.. well, I think that Pitch might be using it against us," Tooth folds her arms loosely, hugging them across her chest. "I saw Jack talking to her outside."
Sandy raises an eyebrow looking at her but saying nothing.
North nods a little, "Maybe, but she also knows what's at stake. Her little sister. She'll tell us if he told her something important. Don't worry, Tooth. Elsa is firmly with us."
"Okay good, one topic over," Bunny rolls his eyes, leaning against the wall. "Next priority."
"Jack," North said.
"Jack," Tooth said.
"Jack," Sandy indicated with a symbol of his staff.
They all thought that regaining him in the team would provide assistance in the fight, and possibly knowledge of the evil plan. Sounds logical.
But none of them would admit that it was more of the concern and fondness for the boy that stirred their decision.
"Plan," Bunny told them, tapping his foot.
"Actually, I was starting to have an idea about that," North smiles a little proudly. "There used to be an old ritual, in the dark ages. Mancipium. Means possession. When darkness ruled the land, it was a way to take control of others. You would hold the victim still, and cloud their vision with the darkness."
"Well, is there a way to.. reverse it?" Tooth asks nervously.
He shrugs a little, "It said, patet quod visus. We have to clear his vision, somehow."
"Clear his vision?" Bunny frowns from the side. "What, like get him some glasses?"
"No. He's blinded by the darkness at the moment, if I'm correct. All he sees is it. Worst case scenario, we have to... prevent him from actually seeing. Then he can't be blinded by it," North sighs. "If that makes sense."
"Wait, seriously?!" Tooth's eyes widen. "We can't blind him?!"
"Is there any other way?" Bunny raises an eyebrow. "Other than brutally tearing his eyes out, I mean."
North looks thoughtful. "Hypothetically, if we get him still enough, young Elsa could freeze the darkness in his eyes, but it would be dangerous."
Tooth bites her lip and nods a little. "Even if we were going to blind him, Pitch would still protect him."
"Then we separate them," Bunny answered. "Lure Jack somewhere. If he's so interested in Elsa, maybe use her. Then we jump out and distract him, and Elsa freezes him from behind."
Sandy nods a little from the side, agreeing with the plan.
"Okay then," North looks between the other three. "We should plan for if something goes wrong, like if Pitch shows up."
"If Pitch shows up, the other three Seasons can break off from attacking Jack and get him," Bunny sighs. "Are you all happy now? We've got a priority, a plan and a backup plan."
Tooth nodded, "Can you be in charge of training them for it?" She asks, now hovering beside him. She didn't like the idea of blinding Jack, but if it would bring him back to them, and her...
"Only if you tell them the plan." Bunny hops to the door and opens it.
"Deal," Tooth sighs.
"I will inform Mani of our plan," North decides, walking out first.
Sandy follows after the overgrown rabbit and the graceful fairy.
Tooth sighs softly, looking to Sandy over her shoulder who offers her a comforting smile.
I hope this works.

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