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Close your eyes, and imagine spring time

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Close your eyes, and imagine spring time.
Imagine a park - trees decorated with greens and some pinks hovering over fields of luscious green grass, and the flowers scattered about. The tulips and the roses and the daisies and the lavenders and every other petaled plant there is. Think about the new life being born. The young lambs, leaping after their mothers, young and innocent. The baby bunnies, hopping around, sniffing grass and discovering the new world laid upon them. The small caterpillar hatching into a beautiful butterfly.
Think about the happiness, and the joy, that hangs in the air, as families walk around, as joggers follow their usual route, as dogs on leashes tug at every bush they pass to examine the new scent. Think about the rabbit that comes only once a year to hide chocolate goodies around the garden, and think about the children running out and stuffing their faces with the delicious sugary food. Picture the weather: the bright blue skies, the smiling sun, the fluffy clouds. And now see all of that... inside yourself.

Rapunzel's eyes are closed, and her face relaxed.
A hand is laid on her shoulder.
It's as if she can see every word that is spoken to her about the Spring time.
Mother Nature is stood beside her, looking down at her fondly, as a mother would to her child.
She is the most beautiful creature anyone would ever have the honour of seeing. Her skin is a pale brown, almost like the bark of a tree. Her eyes are wide, and the colour seems to shift depending on her mood. Currently, they are an ivy green. A soft smile compliments her blushing cheeks. Her entire frame is delicate: her hand gestures gentle, her figure quite thin. Down her body is a dress of leaves of all shapes and sizes, fitted perfectly into one another and on her.
"Now, focus on the plants." Even her voice is laced with kindness. "The trees beginning to bloom, the flowers beginning to sprout, the houseplants beginning to thrive." She places her hand on top of the brunette's in front of her, and slowly lowers it onto the ground in front of her.
Slowly but surely, something begins to grow. Reaching upwards to the sky, the new life stretching from each of the Season's pale fingertips.
Mother Nature carefully moves her hand to one flower in particular. "The tulips and the roses and the daisies and the lavenders and the sunflowers." She murmurs.
"The daisies," Rapunzel answers her quietly, her voice so soft she could be mistaken as being in a trance. The flower grows in her grip, the white in the petals seeming to brighten, the leaves extending in length. Then the stem grows, too, and begins wrapping itself around her arm.
Mother Nature straightens again, and flashes the awed North nearby a smile. "You can open your eyes now, sweetheart."
Rapunzel obeys, and gazes upon her creations in wonder. "Did I really do that?"
She laughs, her giggles dancing about in the air as if the song of a bird. "Why, of course. Let us try something else."
Then, a small bird hops from behind her back onto the woman's shoulder. Rapunzel recognises it to be a sparrow.
"Awe," Rapunzel's smile widens slightly at the sight of it.
"Focus on him. Do not look at anything else, do not think of anything else. Just the creature in front of your eyes," She says thoughtfully, watching the girl in front of her.
Rapunzel's eyes widen, "I can hear him." She pauses to glance at the immortal before herself, before back to the sparrow. "He wants seeds." Instinctively, her hand reaches back, producing a sunflower seed and offering it to the bird.
"I think you are quickly understanding this," Mother Nature beams down at her.
"How can you tell?" Her green eyes are still transfixed on the sparrow.
"Because, dear child, I never gave you any seeds," She laughs softly once more, watching as Rapunzel stares in realisation and something iron is dropped behind her in shock.
She glances back, "Nicholas St. North, how many times must I ask you about removing your weapons before you are in my presence."
His deeply red blush causes the other two to exchange glances and laugh again, with a graceful chuckle overlapping with an excitable giggle.
"I... s-sorry, ma'am," North hangs his head in shame, wanting to please the lady.
"Don't apologise, my friend. Just fix it," Her laugh ceases to a playful smile before her eyes move upwards to the glass ceiling of the greenhouse, looking at the full moon in the distance. "You chose wisely, Man in the Moon."
Rapunzel smiles sheepishly, "Thank you. Can he hear you?"
Mother Nature looks down to her and nods, smiling still.
"Can you hear him?" Rapunzel questions further.
Mother Nature nods once more.
"Could he tell us where Elsa is?" Rapunzel is no longer smiling, but biting her lip uncertainly.
Mother Nature's expression falters at her words, and she pulls Spring into a hug. "My sincerest apologies, my dear. Pitch Black knows how to hide in the shadows, where he cannot see. Do not worry, child. We will find your friend soon."
Rapunzel hesitates, but leans into the embrace gratefully. Her arms around her was the most comforting thing she could have asked for, and it was almost as if - just for a moment - that she knew everything would be alright.
And she smiles again.

Yay! Another chapter! (Sorryyyy I know some of you were hoping for more Jelsa)
These next few chapters are just going to be filler chapters really, just showing each Season progressing with their powers, either with Mother Nature, or a certain fun-seeking spirit with a certain trapped individual who finds herself falling over the steep cliff of romance. ( ;) ) (man i made that overly long). But then the real stuff starts.
Look forward to an epic fight scene, anyways.
Also I've figured out if I want to complete this story by the summer hols I have to write a chapter a day so uh... wish me luck.
Thanks for reading!
QOTD: What's your favourite season ? (Actual season, not Rapunzel/Hiccup/Merida/Elsa)
- Wolfie x

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