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A boy is laid on the ground, his white hair against the cold stone

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A boy is laid on the ground, his white hair against the cold stone. His eyes open, and their grey colour shifts to a blue.
He sits up quickly and pulls up his hoodie, looking down at his pale chest and sighing out slightly in relief.
He glances around again, searching. He doesn't find what he's looking for.
"Jack," A shadowy figure seems to appear in the room.
"Pitch," Jack mutters, looking away still.
He could remember everything he'd done. Could remember attacking the Guardians, could remember kidnapping the Winter Spirit, could remember the spark he'd felt.
"That all? No morning, what do you want me to do?" Pitch smirks, receiving no reply and deciding to continue. "I miss the old you."
"What do you want with me now?"
"Not much. You're pretty much useless to me now. Simply withholding something from the enemy."
"Someone." Jack was quite frankly fed up of being used like an object, and was finally understanding why mortals were so into feminism. "Are the others okay?"
"Oh, no, they aren't. Your precious Guardians are dead. And the Seasons are heading straight into my trap."
"What? What.. what have you done?"
"Elsa thinks we're still in Australia. She's going to lead the group there, and they're never going to leave," He smirks. "They'll be too afraid to. And fear will rule the world."
He vanishes again.
Jack clenches his jaw at the mention of Elsa, standing and punching the wall in frustration. He knew what it like to be trapped by fear.
He didn't want the same for that innocent girl he'd seen before.
He glances around rapidly, trying to find an exit, or anything he could use to escape. He paces the cell, up and down, running a hand through his hair.
Think, Jack. Think. What can you do?
No powers. No way out.
You need to warn them.
Jack sighs and slumps in the corner again. A breeze moves against his neck. He ignores it for a while.
Then he furrows his eyebrows, looking back, to see a small slate.
It had thin bars, and thin gaps. By the wind blowing through, he figured it lead outside.
Wind... snow...... snowflakes?
He'd done it before. He'd managed to fix his staff without the use of it.
Maybe he could do it.
Maybe, just maybe.
Jack moves his hands together and concentrates.
Come on. You're Jack Frost. You can make one little snowflake. You can do this.
A soft glow appears between his palms. Waveringly white and blue. It starts glowing, and grows into glistening. It starts to take form.
It slowly disappears.
Wait, no no no-
Jack sighs out, laying back on the floor in desperation and staring at the ceiling.
Ugh. I can't do this. I'm.. I'm sorry Elsa.

It sounded like...
Jack... we're coming to save you. Im.. I'm coming to save you.

The glow appears again, and forms into a snowflake.
The snowflake is small. Too small for much of a message.
He carefully presses his finger against the snow, and scrapes in two words.
'Get out'.
He beckons it towards the gap, watching it dance in the air before gracefully lowering itself through the slate.
He sighs out in relief and lays back against the cold.
A slight smile spreads across his face.
He thinks about her kind blue eyes, her gentle pale skin.

Hey! Sooo. I failed at the every day thing :(
But don't worry! I'm still finishing this by Friday! I'll do two updates in one day. At some point. I swear.
Once again, another short chapter. My apologiessss.
But yeah. Have some Jelsa to make up for it 🌨
Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH to ALL OF YOU!!! Oml. You're all so amazing and so supportive! Every single one of your likes, comments or even reads seriously makes my day! I can't believe y'all are taking some time out of your day to read my writing. Once again thank you!
QOTD: Favourite Disney song?
- Wolfie xx

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