Fly Me To Neverland

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Michaels POV

"Trust me Mike, it'll turn out fine" some man from my management reassured me. Their idea was completely awful and sick. There was no way. None. But sadly I'd felt the need to bring my father today. My mother insisted we spend them together considering the unimaginable past we have together.

"You're risking your contract Michael" Kyle remarked.

"He'll do it" my father chimed in.

I threw my hands in the air and threw the file of papers on this mans desk.
Whose name is apparently Kyle, or at least that's what his name tag says.

I found an empty park bench outside. I buried my face into my hands and just tried to process what happened.

"Stand up Michael" my father demanded, startling me and breaking my desired silence. "No. Not unless you walk up there and call it off. Everything!" I screamed at his face. "You're acting completely foolish. I won't let you ruin your career over something so minuscule!"

My father walked away and into the limo that I picked him up in.

I'm nearly 30 and I control my own life.

This has to end.

I got into my limo and scooted into the deepest corner there was.

"Michael you're acting like a child. You're 29 now man up!"

I stayed silent.

Because no matter what I say he'll fire back and somehow manage to break me down.

What's new?

Your POV

My body was slowly falling numb and I still had a block to walk. It's nearly midnight. I need a cab.
But for some reason it's basically impossible to get a cab in Hollywood! I still tried, stopping every 5 minutes to wave my hand in the air. Finally a cab swerved over and gracefully hit a ditch sending the dirty street water all over me. Luckily my purse was salvaged but my shoes and dress were trashed.
Nicely I flipped off the reckless cab driver and continued walking. When I tried to wipe off some of the muck from my leg my spray tan decided to come off too! Lovely. Money completely wasted. And I needed that tan. I have an audition tomorrow.
Being a new model wasn't easy in fact it was awful. I saved every penny I had and somehow managed to get a bus pass to sunny California. Hollywood has been my dream since... Forever. Thankfully I was introduced to a nice management and they signed me almost immediately. It was the best day of my life. I quite my awful job at some restaurant and moved my stuff into the small apartment I rented. So that's where I am now. No car. Walking 5 blocks in drenched heels. It's completely pitch black with only the accents of the tiny street lamps shining over the rough concrete. My skin tight dress was the wrong thing to wear today! The clammy, wet material stuck to me even more (as if that's possible) so it made walking even more of a hassle.

I finally made it to the entrance of my apartment and I'd planned on taking the elevator straight up and passing out on the couch. I cursed out the elevator when a sign read "Out of Order". So there I was climbing up 3 flights off stairs. I was nearly on my knees when I unlocked my door. When I finally managed to insert the right key I ran inside, disposing my heels at the door. My eyes immediately fell shut only to fly open again. "You have 3 new messages" my answering machines annoyingly informed me. I threw a pillow at it but it continued on.

"UGHHHH" I yelled and flipped off the couch to shut the annoying thing off.

The little red light rapidly flashed, informing me I had messages. To get them out of the way I just hit 'Listen'.
"Hi it's James! We met at the-"

I clicked delete.

"Hey ____ it's Kevin. Call me when you're done with your audition tomorrow!"

"Heyyyy girl! I'm going out tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7" Liz bursted through my speaker.


Now I have to go out tomorrow.

Liz is my friend. I think. We met last week at one of my auditions. It's cool because she does the same thing as me so we have the same schedule a lot of the time.

Expect tomorrow night I guess.

I ignored the annoyance towards her and just flopped back on my couch.

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