Chapter 1:) Happy Birthday!

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"Sirius, we can take Hayden tonight."

"No, we can't."

"It really is not a big deal."

"Yes, it is."

"We'd be happy to!"

"No, we wouldn't."

"James, don't make me duct tape your mouth shut because you know I will!" Lily Potter snapped at her husband. "So? Is it ok if we take her trick or treating tonight with Daphne and Harry?"

"I- I guess," Sirius said. He turned to his daughter. His daughters curly blonde hair was falling in front of her brown eyes. She seemed distracted as she stared at the carpet. "Hey puppy, you're going to stay with Auntie Lily and Uncle James tonight ok? Daddy has work to do."

Hayden was confused. Why was her dad leaving her? And on her fourth birthday no less.

"Does it have to do with the man that killed mummy?" Hayden asked. This took Sirius by surprise. His wife, Marlene, had been killed by a death eater just four months ago. It had torn Sirius apart and the only stitch left in his ripped life was his beautiful daughter, Hayden.

"Sort of," Sirius said. He was going rat hunting.

He was positive that one of his best friends was working with the Death Eaters as a spy on the order. If he wanted his daughter to grow up happy, he wouldn't allow her to live in the same world as such a cruel man.

"W-What about my birthday?" She asked.

"We will celebrate it tomorrow." Sirius promised, tickling her belly. His daughter just stared up at him. "I promise."

"Okay, daddy." Hayden smiled. She was trying her best to be happy for her daddy. She was always his happy little girl.

"I love you kiddo. Happy birthday!" He kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, Daddy."

"Go play with Daphne." She nodded and ran to play with her cousin slash best friend.

Sirius turned back to James and Lily. Lily now had baby Harry in her arms and tears in her eyes. Lily couldn't help but worry about not only her husbands best friend, but her brother in a sense.

"Be safe, Sirius." Lily tried her best to hug him but she had a baby in her arms.

"I will. I promise. Thank you for watching her."

"Of course." James said, putting a hand on the small of his wife's back.

"I've got to go." He gave James a man hug and left. He climbed onto his motorcycle. He saw his daughters helmet that he had planned to give her for her birthday. In an instant, he climbed off the bike with the helmet and ran back inside. "HAYDEN, BABY, COME HERE!" he called. His daughter ran towards him, her blonde curls bouncing.

"Yes, Daddy?" He handed her the helmet.

"Happy birthday, puppy." He said. She hugged him tightly, a small squeal emerging from her throat.

"Thank you, Daddy. I can't wait to ride with you!" She squealed. He chuckled.

"I've got to go, okay? But I love you and will see you tomorrow, yeah?" she nodded.

"Okay. I love you too. Bye Daddy!" She ran off with the helmet in her hands, screaming loudly, "DAPH, LOOK WHAT PAPA GAVE ME!"

He walked back outside and climbed on his bike again, looking through the Potters front window. He saw Hayden showing Daphne the helmet. His heart filled with emotion when the two kids ran up to the window to see him.

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