Chapter 63

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•••Hayden's POV•••

My brows were furrowed as I looked around the dark house. Cedric was smiling beside me, ignoring the screaming from somewhere inside the house. I was only slightly concerned for his well being. Why would he be smiling right now?

"Um... Ced?" He looked over at me. "Why are we here?"

"Because, my beloved wife, this is our new house." My surprise was clear as day. Our new house? When did he have time to buy this? He must've noticed all my questions because he grabbed my hands and continued talking. "When you were talking with your mom, your dad gave me the key. He grew up in this house and he knew we needed somewhere to live so he happily gave it to us. It's ours to do with as we please." I let out a laugh and jumped on him, kissing every inch of his beautiful face. He held me up, taking the kisses happily.

"Isn't young love just grand?" I let out a shriek and jumped off my husband. We both turned to see Professor Dumbledore sitting at the table, grinning at us. "How was the honeymoon?"

"Um... it was brilliant." Cedric murmured. Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

"Please, sit. This is your home after all." We nodded, slowly sitting down at the table in front of the headmaster. "I have come to deliver your winnings from the tournament, Mr. Diggory. The judges and I have decided that since you and Mr. Potter tied, you both deserve a thousand galleons."

"Oh well, thank you, professor." Cedric reaches over and grabbed the bag from the old man. How he was carrying that I'll never know.

"I also came here to speak with you both about the Order of the Phoenix." My eyes widened. Cedric seemed confused so I quietly explained what it was. "Seeing as you both are of age, we were wondering if you both would like to join the Order. Mr. Diggory, you know that Voldemort is back and we need as many people as possible on our side."

"Of course I'll join." Cedric announced.

"Me as well."

"Okay, after you have the baby." I glared at my husband. "Hayden, who knows what we'll have to do when we're apart of the Order. I'm not risking you or our child."

"Mr. Diggory, you need not worry about your wife. If she does join now, we will not send her to do anything harmful to her or her offspring." I gave my husband a "see!" look and he huffed. "So it's settled. You both will join. Now if only we have a headquarters..." he tutted his tongue against the roof of his mouth and sighed. "Oh well."

"Why not here?" I placed my face in my hands. "There's plenty of bedrooms and it's hidden from everyone. Babe?"

"Fine. Whatever! But I'm not going to be a hostess." I grabbed my suitcase and stood up. "Professor, it was lovely to see you and I'm sure I'll see you in the near future. I'm going to go unpack."

I made my way up the stairs and searched around until I found the largest bedroom. Luckily, it was empty. All there was inside was an unmade bed, dresser, and vanity table. I huffed and put my suitcase on the bed. With a flick of my wand, my clothes started to unpack themselves and put themselves away. I made the bed with some sheets I found in a linen closet and cleaned the bathroom before taking a shower.

When I got out, all I had was a towel wrapped around me. I wished I had more. I wasn't expecting to step into the living room to see my parents, father in law, and foster dad. I screamed and ran up the stairs as fast as possible. When I got dressed and went downstairs, Cedric and my cousin, Tonks, had joined them. I sat next to mum and dad on the old couch. Mum started tickling my back while dad placed his hand on my knee. I smiled.

"So... this is the headquarters for the Order." Dad exclaimed, looking around. He hummed to himself. "I wonder..." he whistled loudly. "KREACHER!" There was a loud pop and suddenly an ugly house elf appeared. "Oh joy. You're still here."

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