Chapter 75

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***Hayden's POV***

I laid in bed with Jo cuddled close to me. I was rolled on my side, watching the television in the corner. She was playing with her teething ring. This had been our lives ever since dad died. Mum was even worse. She wouldn't get out from under the covers. Bash, Addy and I have tried everything to get her up, but even Jo didn't get her up. I had been getting out of bed, acting like the mum. I've made meals, done laundry, helped with summer homework, ext. for my siblings and the Order members. Most of the Order members had left to go to their own homes but a few, like Tonks and Remus, were still here. And Cedric... Cedric was here as well. That first day he made everything so much easier. He comforted me while I cried my eyes out, he took care of Jo when I didn't have the energy to, and he told Addy and Bash what had happened just so I wouldn't have to. I knew Bash still wasn't his biggest fan but Addy didn't let him go when she found out.

Now, three weeks later, I still didn't know what to do. He has proven he's changed and he can handle his PTSD now, well, not the nightmares. But he was back to the Cedric I fell in love with. He was sweet, kind, calm, patient, and so much more. Every time I saw him feeding Jo or putting dinner on the table, my heart softened a little. He would always catch me watching and like usual Cedric, he would give me a soft smile and a wink that melted bones. I knew he was sorry for what he had done and I forgave him. And I was thinking I could trust him with my heart soon. But I was still me. I wanted to test him. So I thought I would kill two birds with one stone. I'd leave Jo with Cedric and go talk to Fred. I hadn't spoken to him since he yelled at me and I figured it was time for us to talk.

I kissed Jo on her forehead before walking over to my closet and pulling out an outfit. Daphne and I had gone shopping after Jo was born and decided I needed a more mature look. So all my clothes were skinny jeans, fancy necklaces and swanky shirts. I decided on black skinny jeans and a burnt orange top with a black tank top on underneath. I used my wand to curl my blonde hair and I quickly applied my makeup before pulling on some heels and picking up my daughter. She enjoyed bouncing my curls up and down while we made our way towards mum's room. I was planning on checking on her quickly before leaving. She rolled over to face me, her blonde hair matted to her face. I smiled sadly and pulled it off.

"Mum, I'm gonna go into Diagon Alley. Would you like anything?" she shook her head, staring blankly at the wall. I sighed, shifting Jo on my hip. "Mum, you know dad wouldn't want you to act like this. He'd want you to be your usual happy, perky self. Please get up." she shook her head once. I sighed, deciding not to argue. I kissed her forehead before making my way downstairs. Cedric was at the door, talking to someone that the wood was hiding.

My curiosity got the better of me and I peeked around him. My entire face turned red at the sight of Jewel. Cedric turned his head towards me slightly. "I'm sorry," he whispered. I stepped forward so Jewel could see me. Cedric wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. I was slightly shocked yet invigorated. "What're you doing here, Jewel?"

"I wanted to talk to you, Ced."

"You don't get to call him that." I snapped. She turned to me, a sad look on her face. "That nickname is for his friends and family."

"Well, aren't I family?" she mumbled. She moved her coat and that was when I saw the small bump. Cedric immediately shook his head frantically.

"No! We didn't have sex."

"That you remember." she murmured. His brows furrowed in confusion, as did mine. "Can we talk?"

"Fine, but my wife is staying with me." he snapped. He looked to me, asking if that was okay. I nodded and walked into the kitchen to get a kettle boiling. I put Jo in her rocker, turning on the mobile above her to keep her distracted. Cedric and I stood at one side of the counter while Jewel sat on a stool across from us. "You have two minutes."

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