Chapter 31:) Rebecca Lynch

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( Cedric's POV still )

" are you going for it Cedric? " Philip asked me after Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament. I shrugged.

" I dunno. That's something I'd need to talk to Ha- my dad about. I'd need to talk to my dad about it. The tournament. Yeah the tournament. My dad. Can you pass the yams. " they all smirked at me but nonetheless passed me the yams.

" you will be seventeen by Halloween. " Daphne pointed out. I nodded.

" you should do it Cedric. Imagine how impressed Hayden will be. She'll definitely go out with you then! " Gabriel Clark clapped me on the back.

She already is going out with me.

" or she'll strangle me for doing something so life threatening " I muttered. They all shrugged " I don't know guys. "

" oh come on Cedric! Imagine all the glory you could bring to Hufflepuff. " Phillip exclaimed. I thought about it.

It would be nice for Hufflepuff to be in the spotlight for a change. And I doubt anything really bad could happen. And there's a slim chance I'll even get picked.

" I'll do it "

" yes! " Philip shouted.

" you got it " Ethen Small added. He and Phillip stood up and walked away. Someone took his seat across from me and besides Daphne. Rebecca Lynch. I internally groaned.

" hi Cedric " she squealed flirtatiously.

" Hi Bec " I responded to be polite. She smiled.

" so are you going to do the tournament. You would win " she smirked at me.

" thanks but I don't know if I'll do it " I mumbled. I put my spoonful of yams in my mouth so I wouldn't have to talk to her anymore.

" well you should. Anyways I wanted to ask you something " I wasn't paying attention to her.

I was looking over her shoulder. I had a perfect view of Hayden. She was glaring at the back of Rebecca's head.

" ask away " I mumbled not paying attention. Hayden noticed me staring and she instantly sat up. Her face went a deep crimson. I smiled at her embarrassment. She tried to hide her face behind her arms.

" I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me sometime " I continued staring at Hayden.

'Stop staring!' she mouthed at me. 'Do you have to be so annoying?'

I nodded my head in response.

" really? " Rebecca asked excitedly. My head shot to her, my eyes wide. " great. I'll see you later Cedric "

She leaned across the table and kissed my cheek. I sat there flabbergasted as Hayden stared at me with a sad/disappointed look on her face. She looked like she had the air knocked out of her.

" what did I just agree to? " I asked Daphne. She was staring at me with a confused look.

" you just agreed to take her on a date to Hogsmeade " my head shot to her.

" what? Why didn't you stop me! " she looked flabbergasted.

" well why weren't you paying attention? " I gestured over to the Gryffindor table. We both looked back and saw Hayden storming away as fast as she could.

" oh no " I mumbled under my breath. I stood up and chased after her.

" Hayden please just- "

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