Damn... (RonxReader)

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I do not own the HP universe!


F/C= Favourite colour

F/F= Family Feature (a facial/personality feature that your entire family [minus mom/dad] have. E.g. The Weasleys all have red hair)

L/N= Last name

You and Ron Weasley hated each other

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You and Ron Weasley hated each other. You were in Slytherin, (your family is known to be neutral in the war) and he, in Gryffindor. It all started in your first year, at the sorting...


You were standing near Draco Malfoy. Your parents expected you to be by each others side throughout your years of Hogwarts. However, you two weren't close at all. You two turned a blind eye towards each other and didn't bother to talk. You were talking to a fellow first year, Hannah Abbott, about the sorting. You didn't care who you talked to, you were too excited. Then suddenly, after you were done speaking to Hannah, you heard a young boyish voice talking.

"See that person over there Harry? The one with H/L, H/C hair and E/C eyes? Yeah, them, I bet they're going into Slytherin. Why? Oh, they're with Malfoy of course, and they looks like a L/N . I can tell because of their F/F . All L/Ns have it. Anyway Harry, stay away from people who go to Slytherin. They are all evil..."

You growled. How dare he insult your family! You turned to glare at the boy. Who is unmistakably a Weasley!

"I would gladly appreciate it if you didn't insult my family and Slytherins. Insult me, yes, but others just because they are associated to me? No", you said. The Weasley gulped. Didn't your mother speak about his mother before? Oh yes. Something along the lines of, 'Poor woman! She has to take care of 7 children all by herself! Her husband this and that and blah blah blah'. 'Harry', you guessed, muttered a soft sorry while staring into your eyes. You smiled at him and nodded your head. Then you looked at his forehead, by accident, it would be weird if you decided to look at his forehead, and gasped. Harry Potter!

"A lightning bolt scar", you whispered. Then you smirked. With a nod and mouthed, 'hello Harry Potter' you turned around to face Professor Mcgonagall who just arrived. Harry stared at the person and decided to get to know her better. She seemed nice.

But from that night and onward, Ron Weasley and Y/N L/N were enemies... The only thing they agreed on being...

Flashback end

Right now, you were sitting on a desk in an unused classroom waiting for said enemy to arrive. Weird, seeing as you both 'hated' each other. But alas, you were too tutor him in potions. Weasley's grades have gotten lower. He wanted to be an Auror, but that would never happen because of his grades. (You two are in your 5th yr (OWL yr)) You however, wanted to be a Professor at a school so you excelled in all your classes. Why do I have to be the tutor of this damn brat? You complained to yourself, and suddenly, the door flew open.

"Sorry I'm late-", Weasley started but was cut off when he realised it was you. He growled. "Oh. It's you", he stated.

"Why do you sound like you hate me?" You asked innocently. He glared at you. But his face was as red as his hair. It wasn't anger. No, something different. You knew what he looked like when he was angry, you've seen his 'angry face' many times, and this shade was different. Yes, you have seen him angry at you many times to know what shade his face became when he was angry. It was stupidly funny really.

"I do hate you!" He said. But it sounded like he was trying to convince himself... Despite that however, you pouted then smirked.

"Anyway, it seems as if you can't keep up your grades... But you had horrible grades before anyway..." You drawled. He glared harder at you. "So I'm tutoring you!"

"You sound happy", he said stiffly. You stared at him with an evil smirk.

"Oh, I'm not. Not at all. But think of the blackmail I will have! You want to be an Auror yes? Then, if you pissed me off too much, I can let you fail by giving you the wrong instructions. But if you fail, it gives me bad credit. But all I can say is that you didn't pay much attention and forgot how to do the instructions~", you explained. His eyes were wide and he looked a little scared. "Wouldn't want to upset mummy dearest now, would you?~"

He went back to glaring. "You are evil", he said. You smirked back at him.

"Let's start the tutoring Weasley, the longer till we start, the longer till we finish. And you have quidditch practice yes? Hurry up!" You said, still smirking. He glared at you and opened his books. But he wondered, why would you care if he didn't make quidditch practise on time?

While he was reading the instructions in the book, you were staring at him. You were trying to ignore it, but you liked the damn fool. You could tell he at least didn't harbour too much hate for you so you decided to take your chances...

~Time skip, brought to you by Harry's firebolt...~

After a while, you looked up at the clock and sighed. It's time to go your seperate ways.

"Hey, Weasley, you can leave know. Tutoring is over", you spoke up. He snapped his head towards you and he nodded. Not saying anything. Honestly, he wanted to stay in your company just a little longer... Wait... Why is he thinking such things?

"Snap out of it Ron..." He muttered. You raised an eyebrow.

"Said something Weasley?" You asked. He looked at you and shook his head, blushing. You smirked at this and stood up. Ron gulped as you walked towards him. You leaned into his ear and whispered, "I knew you said something". He glared at you and muttered something again. Something sounding like 'Screw it'. You looked up at him in confusion. He was pretty tall. You were up to his shoulders and you, hating being shorter and more 'vulnerable' to your enemy, couldn't stand it.

"Pardon?" You asked. Unexpectedly, he leaned in hesitantly. Your eyes went wide. "R-Ron..."

It was his turn to widen his eyes. You bit your lip and closed the gap. As soon as your lips touched, sparks flied. Your breath hitched and he kissed back. You snaked your hands around his neck and tugged on the locks of his hair, emitting a low groan from him. His hands trailed down and rested on your lower back. Then, you both pulled away, gasping for air. He stared down at you in wonder.

"I thought you hate me", you said at the same time. You smiled and giggled. He grinned.

"I don't. I just argue with you for attention now. At first, I really did hate you. But now... I'm falling", he whispered and avoided eye contact. Your smile widened a little.

"Same here..." You said. He looked into your eyes in surprise. "I- I realised it when... when you entered the room for tutoring". He blushed. By blush, I mean red ears, face and neck. Not just a faint blush. More like a tomato. And of course, you blush. But, you had faint red splashed on your cheeks. Then you stared at a clock. "Time to go to quidditch".

"Come with me", he said and took your small, soft hand in his larger, rough hand. You stared at your intertwined hands and smiled. Then you nodded and you both ran to the quidditch pitch...

He was falling for someone he used to hate.

They was falling for someone they used to despise.

They were both in love.


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