A quill (HermionexReader)

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I don't own HP. If I did... The things I would buy with that money... (A Wattpad premium, that's what. And chocolate. Lots of it.)

Also, I'm trying to make these gender neutral.

S/T=Skin tone

E/C=Eye colour (though you might know this already)

E/C=Eye colour (though you might know this already)

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Hermione glanced at you from the corner of her eye. You were an amazing person. Kind, hardworking and loyal. A true Hufflepuff. As well as that, you were everyone's envy. Who wouldn't be jealous of your S/T skin or your E/C eyes that sparkle every so often? Or the way you had confidence in you and in others. Yep, everyone either adores you as a role model or fantasises of having a future with you. But, you being a modest person, didn't believe your friends and ended up being oblivious to it. Hermione is one of the people who liked you in a romantic way. She thought that she liked Ron, but oh no; you came along and swept her off the her feet. But you didn't know that.

You walked towards your house's common room to do some reading by the fireplace from your last class of the day (which was potions with Slughorn), until you saw Hermione. She was beautiful. Her curly brown hair and her big brown eyes that stared at you with warmth intrigued you. You couldn't help but think she's the most amazing girl you have ever met. You waved at her shyly, hoping she would notice and wave back. Hermione saw you and waved back, smiling widely. You grinned as well and she made her way towards you. You gulped. This was the- what? Second or thirdish time you spoke to each other? Yeah, you two didn't talk often.

"Hello Y/N!" Hermione greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Hermione", you said back.

"Where are you headed to?" She asked. Her voice was soft but clear and you loved it.

"Oh, the Hufflepuff common room. I just want to get some reading time before dinner", you answered. Hermione smiled a little. She knew you loved books.

"Well, I saw your quill on the desk at Transfiguration and wanted to give it back to you", Hermione said shyly. You grinned.

"I was wondering where it was! Thanks Hermione!" You said happily. Hermione blushed a little at your smile. She looked away, praying you wouldn't notice. You, of course, didn't and took your quill from her hands. You fingers brushed against each other (A/N So cliche...) and she pulled back a little. Your eyes widened slightly when you felt a jolt of electricity. Hermione felt it too and smiled a little. Hopefully she wouldn't make a mistake of doing the first move. Hermione took a breath and gained that Gryffindor courage. You looked up/down (A/N Depends on your height. She's 5'5") in confusion and suddenly, she swooped down/tippytoed to reach your height and kissed your lips softly. You blinked and kissed back eagerly. You both pulled away and blushed while grinning like idiots. (A/N Apparently in Bulgarian, tapak means idiot...).

"So... Want to go with me on the next Hogsmead trip?" Hermione asked. You grinned wider and nodded. You laughed happily.

"Yes!" You replied. You couldn't wait!

 You couldn't wait!

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I updated! Thank god for that.

So umm... As I said in the author's note at the start of this oneshot, I'm trying to make these gender neutral. This is the 21st century and people are starting to branch out and find love in the same gender. I find that cool. Anyway, as well as that, there are male wattpad users. So there are some male readers? I don't know. But anyway, hope this doesn't offend anyone.


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