Make me feel better~(CharliexReader)

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I do not own the Harry Potter universe...

Also, I thought that Charlie didn't have much fanfiction on him so I wanted to show him some love! ( ^ ³ ^ )

Also, I thought that Charlie didn't have much fanfiction on him so I wanted to show him some love! ( ^ ³ ^ )

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You laughed as you played with some baby dragons. You clothes were charred and bits of your sleeve was burnt off but you didn't care. Your H/C hair was put up into a messy bun (if you have short hair, then it's out but really messy) and strands of hair fell out, framing your face. Charlie smiled. Oh how he loved it when you laughed. Your E/C eyes lit up and your cheeks became rosy. You heard him chuckle a bit and you looked up to see him smiling. You smiled. "They are growing up so fast Charlie!" You exclaimed.

"Yes, I can see that Y/N", Charlie replied. You shook your head fondly and snapped your head to one of the dragons who had accidentally sneezed and part of the carpet lit up in flames.

"Oh Edgar", you said and with a swish of your wand and a muttered 'aguamenti', the flame was extinguished. In replace of the flames, was a black spot, which made you sigh. Charlie looked on in amusement.

"Does this happen often?" He asked. You turned to him and nodded, a sheepish smile on your face. He let out a bark like laugh and you rolled your eyes.

"I still need to control them..." You said. He nodded and looked at you in wonder.

"Well, you are doing an okay job so far", Charlie said as he walked towards you. You laughed a little.

"Yeah..." You agreed. Charlie sighed as he stared at you. You are wonderful. You turned to him worriedly, hearing his sigh. "Are you okay Char?"

"No", he hummed, a good idea came to mind. You widened your eyes.

"Oh, Charlie! How can I make you feel better?" You questioned.

"Give me a kiss!" He said, while smiling cheekily. You rolled your eyes and pecked his rough cheek. You pulled back while he pouted.

"There, feel better now?"

"That's not good enough", he whined. You stared at him in disbelief.

"What? I kissed you!" You exclaimed. He sighed and leaned down.

"Not that type darling~", Charlie said and swooped down and kissed your soft lips passionately. You gasped into the kiss. Then, he pulled away. "Now that's a kiss".

"Oh shut up you", you whispered and pulled his head down to yours and pressed your lips against his. He kissed back and you pulled away. He laughed again. You laughed as well. The moment was bliss until a thud rang through the room. Turning your head to the sound of noise, you laughed and saw that another dragon crashed into a wall. You walked over to the adorable creature and cradled it in your arms. Charlie followed and repaired the wall with a quick 'reparo".

"There there Luka", you said soothingly as you carried the dragon to a cot. Setting the dragon chick on the soft mattress that was charmed to be fireproof. The chick yawned and slept soundly. You smiled softly. Charlie smiled too.

Harry Potter Characters x Reader One Shots/Preferences [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now