Just a little heart to heart conversation (HarryxReader)

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Hello! So umm... I'm bored and I have to update anyway so, I made a HarryxReader.

Also, everything is a bit foggy since the last time I read a book and watched a movie is like, last year. Sorry.

Y/N, Harry, Hermione and Ron were not in the 'safe walls' of Hogwarts

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Y/N, Harry, Hermione and Ron were not in the 'safe walls' of Hogwarts. In fact, you guys weren't even near the old castle. You were in a tent with an undetectable expansion charm, courtesy of Hermione. Harry was assigned to find You-know-who's horcruxes and Ron and Hermione tagged along. Hermione managed to convince you (you were a little reluctant but since you being in Gryffindor, you wanted a little adventure, meaning that you agreed and followed) and here you were, reading a book on dark magic in your bed in the tent. Harry was wearing the horcrux around his neck. Hermione was outside, putting up the wards and Ron was in bed, resting his splinched upper arm. Harry was looking at you from the corner of his eye. His feelings for you were stronger than the feelings he had for Ginny and it confused him. But alas, he couldn't do anything but accept it. You were thinking of Harry's behaviour recently and found it quite odd. He became fidgety, went red a lot and stuttered a little. Could it be that..? No, Harry couldn't like you! Besides, he likes Ginny. Oh, but you could dream! You sighed heavily. Harry turned to you with a raised eyebrow. You laughed quietly and shook your head. He shrugged and fiddled with the locket. "So, what are the other horcruxes?" You asked, trying to make conversation. Harry looked up.

"Well, there's Hufflepuff's cup and Ravenclaw's diadem", Harry said quietly. You nodded.

"Any idea where those could be?" You questioned. Harry shrugged weakly.

"We could a-always ask 'Mione...", Harry suggested. You chuckled.

"Of course", you said, still laughing. Harry grinned a little. You heard the faint noise of the radio coming from Ron's bed. You turned to him and saw Ron staring up at the ceiling with the radio next to him. Harry sighed.

"He still listens to it. What does he expect? Good news?" Harry whispered, frustrated with his friend. You shook your head sadly.

"He wants to know if any of his family is dead or missing", you whispered back with a sad tone. Harry gulped and turned away. You looked at him worriedly. "Something wrong?"

"Nothing that bad. It's just, you, 'Mione and Ron didn't have to come with me", Harry said. You looked at him in disbelief.

"No need to take offence but you wouldn't last a day without us!" You exclaimed. Hermione came through at that tent and nodded.

"It's true. You wouldn't last half a day without us. Since you are in the wild of course", Hermione said softly. Ron looked up at the sound of her voice and flopped back down on the bed again. The movement made Ron groaned and Hermione rushed over to him. You sighed. You couldn't go anywhere with Ron being injured and all. Then, you heard the flapping of the tent's entrance opening and you turned to see that Harry left you guys and went out. You bit your lip and went after him. You pushed open the flap and Harry stood there. Looking out to the scene in front of him.

"Harry?" You asked softly. Harry hummed a little. You sighed. "Get back in, it's cold". Harry turned around and faced you. You gulped nervously. "H-Harry?"

"Y/N, I-I like you. Like really like you. More than Ginny. I know that it isn't a good time but I really needed to tell you", Harry mumbled, looking at his feet. You smiled and rushed over to him. "Wha-". And you cut him off with a press to the lips. He tasted like treacle tart and pumpkin juice. Harry let out a muffled gasp. You pulled away.

"Same here", you whispered. He grinned and swooped down to capture your lips again.


Hermione looked down at Ron worriedly. Ron opened his eyes and smiled lightly at Hermione. Hermione smiled back. Ron then closed his eyes, still smiling, and Hermione kissed him on the head. "Sleep well Ronald..."


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I just had to put in a little Romione in there. And I think Harry is a little ooc.


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