Are you excited? (SiriusxReader)

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I  D O N ' T  O W N  H A R R Y  P O T T E R ! !


Also, this is a female only oneshot. If Sirius was gay, it would be Remus who he likes. (Wolfstar is amazing, don't judge)

This is fairly short, so be warned. Not so romantic. More like a normal day in the school...

Sirius, the loyal Gryffindor, ladies man and prankster of Hogwarts, had his eyes set on one woman in particular

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Sirius, the loyal Gryffindor, ladies man and prankster of Hogwarts, had his eyes set on one woman in particular. The lady was fairly pretty. She had E/C eyes that sparkled (unlike the annoying twinkle Dumbledore had. Honestly, the old coot must have put a charm to make his eyes twinkle like a fucking gem in the sunlight), H/C hair that was either put up in neat, messy bun (no idea how girls could make a messy bun look neat but oh well...) or was let free, cascading down her back (if you have short hair, pretend you have long hair. No offence if you like your hair short) and had a S/C toned skin that was soft to the touch. Sirius loved the feel of her hands. They were so dainty and small. So soft and supple. Quite different to the rough, larger hands that he had. 

Y/N walked into the Great Hall. It was early in the morning (about 6:30 am or so) and she wanted to relax and read her book (about classic charms) without anybody disturbing her. Unfortunately, Sirius Black was there. Y/N blushed. Yesterday, he asked her out to Hogsmeade. She, being a sweetheart, decided to say yes.

Sirius smiled softly at her. She was too adorable. He waved her over and she obliged. She skipped over to him and stared at him curiously. "Excited for our date this Saturday?" Sirius asked. He prayed to Merlin that she would say yes. Sirius wanted her to be excited to see him and hang out with him for a whole 2 hours. Y/N nodded her head shyly. Sirius beamed happily. This was great! Y/N stared up at Sirius in confusion.

"Why do you seem so ecstatic about that?" Y/N asked. Did he really like her that much? He reacted so happily when she said yes...

"You, the girl I like, are excited to be on a date with me. That's amazing", Sirius whispered like he knew a big secret and was telling it to his best friend. He stared down at her lovingly with a smile. Y/N stared back at Sirius in a weird way. On the inside, Sirius was panicking. Did he say something wrong? But on the outside, Sirius was cool and calm. "Something bothering you?" 

"You... like me?" Y/N said. Sirius nodded dumbly. Y/N laughed. This was stupid. The ladies man, Sirius Black, liked her!

"You don't believe me?" Sirius said meekly. "I really do like you Y/N". Y/N stiffened. She never had anyone confess to her before. Honestly, this was the first time! Y/N hung her head, embarrassed and looked at Sirius through her long lashes. Sirius found this hot. He blushed and bit his lip. Then all of a sudden, Y/N swooped up and kissed Sirius on the lips softly. Y/N scrunched up her eyes and blushed, hard. Sirius smirked against her lips and kissed her back. Y/N rolled her eyes from behind her eyelids and pulled away, panting for air. Sirius's smirk turned to a full blown smile. Y/N realised that nearly everyone in the entire school came and watched the fiasco happen. She blushed darker than ever before and giggled nervously. Sirius cocked an eyebrow to all the people staring at them in shock. Could the well known Gryffindor finally settle down? Could this girl stop him from pranking all the time? And why does he get the good looking ones? Well, yes, no and it's Sirius Black. Y/N hurried away from Sirius and muttered to him that she would be in the library and scurried off, obviously embarrassed. Sirius was under her spell (whether she liked it or not) and yet, she didn't know. Sirius was smirking happily. The date was going to be the best he's ever been on...

At the Staff table

Minerva McGonagall squealed and opened her palm towards Filius Flitwick. "I told you they would date or kiss in their 6th year!" Flitwick sighed and handed his fellow professor five galleons.

"I thought they would get together in their 7th..." Flitwick mumbled sadly, watching McGonagall pocket the coins smugly.

"Now now dear Filius, let's not get sour. After all, we can still have another bet! I bet that Mr Potter will ask out Miss Evans in the last term of 7th year!" McGonagall said, rubbing her hands together.

"How much? I would like to join this time", Pomona Sprout said, waving a bag of coins in their faces. 

"Seven galleons!" Flitwick cried. He was betting that the two Gryffindors will end up together in their second term of 7th year. Sprout grinned. Sure it was costly, but she was going to bet that it would be in their 6th year. After all, Sirius asked out Y/N just now. Wouldn't the terrible duo be on a double date?

And a Remus Lupin heard all of this, and chuckled. Who knew that the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff heads would be betting on their students love lives. He shook his head and followed after Sirius and James with Peter beside him out to the Black Lake. Of course, Sirius was bragging about how he was going on a date and of course, James had to ask Lily out (she said no) before the arrived.

What a time to be alive...

What a time to be alive

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Another update! Woo! Go me!

Anyway, requests? (Sorry for asking to many times. I just need inspiration or some shit like that)

-Shittyshitaki (i love my username. Weird huh?)

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