An Annoying Ass... (DracoxReader)

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I do not own HP. Would I write fanfics if I did?


H/C=Hair colour

H/C=Hair colour

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You sighed. Your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, had been an arrogant asshole today. First he ignores you when you say good morning, then he shows off his wealth in front of the second youngest Weasley (and you hate it when he gets all snooty), after that he tells Professor Flitwick that he doesn't need to learn this stuff because he has a private tutor at home that much better at teaching and he didn't bother to listen to Professor Sprout when she was giving instructions! You groaned at the thought of dealing with him at the end of the day. See, it was Thursday and you usually had 'cuddle time' every Thursday afternoon, after classes. Maybe I should skip today and study in the library instead? You thought. You really didn't want to spend time with an annoying boyfriend at this moment. Then you heard obnoxious laughing who you knew belonged to said boyfriend. "Aaaah! Y/N my love!" Draco said, smirking. You rolled your eyes.

"Sorry Draco, I need to skip today. I just need to put in some extra study in Astronomy, which is tomorrow night by the way", You said. Draco frowned.

"I can help you", he suggested. He really wanted to spend time with you.

"Oh Draco, I need to get away from your odd behaviour for a while", you said and walked out of the common room. Draco's frown deepened. His behaviour wasn't odd. Was it? Then Pansy spoke up.

"Draco, Y/N's right. You were acting more arrogant than you usually were. You disrespected two teachers in a day! No wonder they wanted to have a little time to herself. They've been hanging around you the entire day and you didn't notice... Did you even hear them greet you this morning?" She scolded in a soft voice. Draco's eyes widened. No... He didn't...

"I need to apologise to my Y/N!" Draco declared and raced off to find his beloved.

You were at the library, scanning the shelves for a book on constellations, when you heard the doors slam open dramatically. You sighed. He wouldn't leave me alone, would he? You complained in your head. You were about to scold him for disrupting other people's work until you felt his lips on yours. Your eyes widened, then he pulled away.

"I'm so sorry N/N", Draco whispered. You looked up at him with your E/C eyes. He smiled down at you softly and pulled you into a hug.

"Let's go cuddle, shall we?" You asked in a quiet voice. He nodded and dragged you out of the library and into the Slytherin Common room, where you two will cuddle till it's time for dinner...

"Oh, you also need to apologise to Professors Flitwick and Sprout", you whispered before nuzzling into his chest. Draco went pale before sighing and burying his nose into your H/C locks.

For now, it's bliss. But then, he'll have to embarrass himself and apologise. Let's just cuddle till that time comes...

 Let's just cuddle till that time comes

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I updated!

Any requests? I mean, you don't have to, it's just, I want comments. Please?


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