Favourite dating spots (Preferences)

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I do not own HP... That would be amazing though...

Harry: A quaint little coffee shop found in Diagon Alley or a Chinese restaurant that you two came across in Hogsmead

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Harry: A quaint little coffee shop found in Diagon Alley or a Chinese restaurant that you two came across in Hogsmead.

Ron: When you two have muggle money you go to the movies and watch action movies or random chick flicks for laughs.

Luna: The zoo, either muggle or wizarding. It doesn't matter. Luna and you both love animals.

Hermione: An art museum. Or a friend's pizzeria. You love both.

Draco: Chocolate factories. Any. You two spend lots of money on chocolate and feast on them later on. Usually with movies. Draco always picks Mean Girls and he knows most of the parts by heart. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!"

Blaise: Since both of you love shopping, you search for the weirdest things and buy them. It's a weird date idea but you gained an orange smelling dog collar! And both of you don't even own a dog...

Daphne: A pottery studio ;p. Or homemade dinner. Your choice.

Charlie: Paint-balling. You two end up covered in paint and go for some pastries afterwards.

 You two end up covered in paint and go for some pastries afterwards

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Hope you enjoyed these! For some reason, I feel like Daphne would have some sort of flirty relationship and idk why...

Also, I'm updating so much... Is it a problem?

Please, pretty please, comment. I want to know how you liked this book so far. No mean comments! (Geez, why do I sound like you guys are going to comment? Most of you are silent readers. Hehe sorry)


P.S. I didn't forget to add 'and please vote'. I just want comments to assure me that people are reading...

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