Soft kisses (GinnyxReader)

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Hi again. Heres one hot ginger.

Sorry it's short but it has a lot of fluff. Also, 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY WOOP.

I don't own Harry Potter or the Wizarding world. J.K Rowling does.

N/N= Nick name

You smiled as you and Ginny made eye contact

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You smiled as you and Ginny made eye contact. It was so nice being with the female Weasley. She was currently practising Quidditch tricks in her backyard while you were reading over a transfiguration book. You were visiting Ginny while it was summer break. Ginny made her way over to you.

"Hey (N/N), how was that?"

You looked up, smiling softly. "It was pretty great".

Ginny grinned and swooped down to kiss your cheek. She looked down at you and smirked. Your face was red and was hidden behind your hands. Ginny chuckled before prying your hands off your face. She placed a small kiss on each of your fingers. You eeped and ducked your head down. Her smirk widened further. She sat down behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist. You bit at your nails nervously. You still weren't used to PDA but it sort of felt good? You didn't know how to explain it but it was a warm feeling.

"Don't bite your nails, love", she whispered in your ear. You shuffled away slightly.

Too close! You thought. You snuck a glance behind you and saw Ginny's brown gaze staring at you. You smiled a little.

"You do it too, hypocrite", You said back, giggling as she nuzzled your neck. She huffed and kissed behind your ear. You bit your lip softly. Ginny sighed and peppered your cheek with soft kisses. It was moments like these that made it so nice being with the female Weasley...

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