Stay With Me? (RonxReader)

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Another Ron one!

I do not own Harry Potter (you should know this by now)

The Burrow was dull and depressing, everyone was either mourning, feeling guilt or felt relief

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The Burrow was dull and depressing, everyone was either mourning, feeling guilt or felt relief. The Second Wizarding war was finally over. George Weasley stared out to the yard, unseeing. His eyes glazed over with unshed tears and his heart ached for his twin brother to be next to him again. Ginny Weasley's movements were somber and slow, thinking that if she moved to fast, she would fall apart. She longed to see the smiling face of Colin Creevey, a good friend and a true Gryffindor through and through. She missed her dear friend, who would take photos of his hero, Harry Potter. Charlie Weasley returned home, to see his family. His face was pale, one of his childhood friends, Nymphadora Lupin nee Tonks, died. Her once bright eyes now showed with no emotion and her husband's, a bright man, laid next to her, cold to the touch. Bill Weasley and his wife, Fleur Weasley nee Delacour, cried on the couch. She, weeping as she saw all those innocent wizards and witches die and he, sobbing as he remembers that his little sister, Ginny, nearly dying at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange. Percy Weasley, apologizing profusely to his parents and anyone he saw. He apologized for leaving and betraying his family. He wanted to be forgiven yet at the same time, wanted to suffer. He deserved the suffering. Molly Weasley stirred the pot slowly. Her heart broke for the millionth time when she saw her beloved son, on his death bed and cried silently for the the other families that had to suffer their losses. The last time she cried that much, was the time when her beloved baby brothers, Fabian and Gideon, died at the wands of deatheaters. Arthur Weasley laid on his bed, unmoving. He sniffled and tears poured out of his once alive eyes effortlessly. His dear friends, son and many more, died a heroic death. He blanched at the thought of loosing his Mollywobbles or losing another son (or his little princess, Ginny). He felt like throwing up when he imagined anyone he knew and loved, on their death bed, cold and lifeless. Hermione Granger took the teacup to her lips shakily. A woman she once knew, a woman who gave her dating tips and wanted to have a loving family, Lavender Brown, bled non-stop. The werewolf who killed her, Fenrir Greyback, smirking evilly with blood, Lavender's blood, dribbling down his chin. The memory made Hermione shudder and spill some of her hot tea. She ignored the sting. After all, Lavender had worse... Harry Potter bawled like a baby when he remembered all those who died, those who sacrificed themselves for 'the greater good'. He threw anything, whether it be a vase or pillow, just to relive himself. He stressed over the fact that any one he knew could have had the same fate as Remus, Tonks, Fred, even Hedwig! Kreacher, who for some reason, decided to come and mourn with the others, sat silently in a closet. Tears flowing from his eyes as he mourned over the loyal house-elf, Dobby. Yes, they had gotten off the wrong foot, but Dobby was like a son to the old, grouchy Kreacher. Y/N L/N sat at the coffee table with Ron, their lover. Y/N's eyes were bloodshot and puffy yet more tears escaped their E/C eyes. Ron sat next to Y/N in solemn silence. He hated to see his significant other (and soon to be spouse) cry. Ron also mourned over Fred, Dobby, Lavender, and many others. Y/N did too, but the ones they mourned most were their parents. They were purebloods and like the Weasleys, Longbottoms and Potters, they were muggle-lovers. They were fascinated with muggles and became friends with muggleborns. Y/N's parents died at the hands of the one and only, Bellatrix Lestrange. They were under the cruciatus and then the dreaded avada kedavra was heard. They were killed in the battle. Y/N felt helpless watching the two people who brought her into the world were killed, cruelly, by Lestrange's wife. How horrible it was. Ron had to keep them away as they died, afraid that they would get in the crossfire of the spells sent in every direction.

"Want some tear dears?" Molly Weasley whispered. The house was silent, it became a place of happiness to a place of mourning. Ron nodded, offering a sad smile. Molly smiled at her son the same way. Every smile was forced. Every chuckle heard, it was forced. Heck, even the little grins sent to each other after reviewing a memory from the good days were forced! She gave the teacups to the two and scuttled away. She was going to have to cry, seeing her little Ron and his lover huddled together, crying. They were supposed to celebrate there engagement! But, everyone had other plans. Everyone was going to cry and mourn. She hated having to cry so much. Ron helped Y/N guide the cup to their lips. After taking a sip of the calming tea (must be a calming draught), Y/N hung their head. Memories of their mother and them pretending to be posh and drank tea from their teacups, pinkies in the air. Y/N let out a choked sob and Ron winced. He knew that the tea brought up another memory.

"You need to rest Y/N. You haven't slept in 3 days", Ron said, guiding his lover to their room. Y/N shook their head childlishly. Ron frowned.

"I get scary dreams Ronny... About m-mom and d-dad", Y/N whispered, using the childish nickname. They haven't used the nickname in so long. Last time the nickname was used, was in fifth year. Way before the war. Way before Y/N's parents died. Ron looked down at Y/N sadly. So that's why they didn't sleep. He thought it was just pure shock.

"Try to sleep sweetheart. You need it. Please, for me and your health's sake", Ron persuaded. Y/N looked up at Ron with tears. They didn't want to see their parents dying again. The first time was enough on it's own. Ron sighed. This is getting difficult. He hated to see his fiance/fiancee like this. They used to be so strong. Now, they're a shell of themselves. Y/N frowned then nodded. They were going to try.

"Ok Ronny", Y/N whispered and climbed onto the soft bed. Ron smiled and tucked them in. Once Y/N was covered in blankets and had two fluffy pillows stuffed under their head, Ron was about to leave the room, to let his lover sleep peacefully until he heard a little whine. Ron turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Stay with me?" Y/N said sheepishly. Ron turned around and nodded. Y/N smiled and scooted over so that Ron could have some space. Ron flopped next to Y/N and kissed them on the forehead. Y/N sighed in content and snuggled into Ron's chest. Soon, both of them found themselves cuddling and softly snoring away...

 Soon, both of them found themselves cuddling and softly snoring away

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Sorry that I haven't updated in a long time! This one is sort of depressing... I think. It reviews some of our favourite characters dying.

Do you know what the most extra thing I've done? I've made a website (more like a blog) for my Wattpad account! I did for fun actually (and also I wanted to make a website). I also post stuff on it (I pay more attention to that than this book). Also, any requests?


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