Lost shoes (LunaxReader)

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Luna is amazing.


Luna and her lover, Y/N, were walking through the halls of Hogwarts

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Luna and her lover, Y/N, were walking through the halls of Hogwarts. Luna walked barefoot, her feet on the cold floor. You walked with her, helping Luna to find her shoes. "Where could they be N/N?" Luna asked in her dream-like voice. You shrugged.

"The floor is cold, here, get on my back. You're getting a piggy back ride", you said, Luna giggled and walked over to you. You crouched down and Luna climbed on your back. You stood up and started walking again. She was incredibly light. "Have you been eating Lun-Lun?"

"No. Apparently, it helps attract baby horned snorkcrackles (A/N Not a real creature. Not even in the HP universe) so it's easy to find them", Luna said in a floaty voice.

"Well, I don't like it when you're not eating. Find a different way to attract them", you say bluntly.

"Oh well... I suppose I can smear honey on a broccoli and leave it in my trunk", Luna said. You chuckled.

"At least you're eating", you said. Luna nodded. Then you spotted her shoes hanging off a statue. "Oh, look Lun-Lun. There's your shoes", you said while pointing to the purple and orange converses. Luna cheered softly. Sliding off your back, she kissed your lips quickly then pulled out her wand. Soon, her shoes came floating back down. Luna grabbed her shoes and slid them on (A/N Without socks... Weird. But it's Luna). You looked down at your girlfriend while she was tying up the laces. You smiled softly. "You done?" You asked. She nodded lightly and you took her hand. You two walked all over the old Scottish castle, talking about her father's magazine and about ways to trap a nargle.

 You two walked all over the old Scottish castle, talking about her father's magazine and about ways to trap a nargle

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AAAAAHHHH! Two updates in a row! This one is shorty.


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