A book on blast-ended skrewts...(BlaisexReader)

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I D O N ' T O W N H A R R Y P O T T E R ! ! !

^^It's true

L/N=Last name

You were sitting in a comfy chair at the library with a pile of homework (A/N Is it even homework when you are living at school? Oh well

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You were sitting in a comfy chair at the library with a pile of homework (A/N Is it even homework when you are living at school? Oh well. Hogwarts is basically a second home) in front of you. Even if you're a Ravenclaw, you still get a lot of homework and it isn't nice. Ugh. You groaned and took a sheet of fresh parchment and dipped your quill into an inkwell. This was going to be your transfiguration essay that's due in a few days. You sighed and wrote the first words.

To transfigure a...

A little while later

Blaise was walking around the library trying to find a good book on blast-ended skrewts for his Care of Magical creatures essay due the next morning. He, being lazy, procrastinated and now he's panicking (on the inside. Zabinis don't show emotion). You finished the second essay you were on (Potions) and was about to start on the DADA assignment due in two days until you heard someone from behind you. You turned around to see Blaise staring at you weirdly. You blushed a little. This is the guy who made you flush and get a really weird feeling. Yes, you, a descendant of Ravenclaw, liked the one and only Blaise Zabini.

"Hello L/N", Blaise acknowledged. You nodded your head and turned back to your work while biting your lip. You couldn't trust yourself to speak. You might stutter which usually happened. Blaise cocked an eyebrow but shrugged and turned away.

"What type of book are you looking for?" You asked. You spent your time here a lot and knew this place around. Also, he looked like he was struggling. And a bonus, you didn't stutter! You smiled wide mentally at that but kept a calm face. Blaise looked at you.

"A book on blast-ended skrewts..." He whispered. You nodded and grabbed his larger hand in your and ignored the sudden sparks shooting through your hands to your wrists and arms. You dragged him through shelves and stacks of book and dodged a few tired students looking for a book to help them with their essays. Blaise looked at your intertwined hands and smiled in content. He loved the way your soft smaller hand was gently clasped in his and the way his larger rough hand was holding yours protectively. You suddenly stopped and turned to face him.

"H-Here we are!" You said and cursed yourself for stuttering a little. Blaise smiled (no. He smirked) at the little slip and you blushed. He leaned down to your ear.

"You look cute when you blush", he said, sending pleasant shivers down your spine.

"Shut up..." You said softly, avoiding eye contact. Blaise smirked wider. This is too cute. You grabbed a book about magical creatures and handed it to him. "This has a whole chapter dedicated to every known magical creature and has information like its habitat, diet and more. Make use of it", you explained in a quiet voice, your eyes darting everywhere frantically and resting on places other than the boy's beautiful eyes. Blaise smiled at you.

"Of course. Thank you", Blaise said and before you could say anything, he swooped down to your level and pressed his soft lips to your slightly chapped ones. You gasped but recovered quickly and kissed back. Then, you both pulled away and grinned a little.

"Wow", you giggled. Blaise grinned back and soon, you two were full out laughing for no reason (Madam Pince glared at you two for a while after).

"Be mine?" Blaise whispered. You grinned.

"Thought you'd never ask~"

And with that, you two were locking lips again.

And with that, you two were locking lips again

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I spent a long time making these. I'm trying to make them long but it never reaches up to 1000 words. Oh well. Please leave a comment. I would like to know what you like about it. Constructive criticism wanted but no negative shit please.

So in Australia, we have this thing called NAPLAN and it is hell. We basically are ranked along with other students from around Australia. The best people go to bands 8 and 9 while the worst go to bands 1 and 2. Today was the last day of those tests and I am relieved. YESSSS!! Now we wait for a couple of years until we do it again...


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