Dating Luna (LunaxReader)

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I don't own Harry Potter

It was funny, being the lover to Luna 'Loony' Lovegood

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It was funny, being the lover to Luna 'Loony' Lovegood. But it was worth it. Luna was a carefree creature and had a unique interest in the creatures her father talks about. Xenophilius was a good man. He loved his daughter very much and trusted you with her. You were wary when you first started dating the quirky teen. But who wouldn't if your girlfriend was curious about nargles and could see thestrals? Luna seemed to notice and talked to you about it.


"You seem wary Y/N. What's wrong?" Luna asked. Her voice was floaty with a tiny smidge of concern.

"Oh, nothing Lun-Lun. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it", you said, smiling.

"No, something is wrong with you. Is it because you're dating me?" Luna pressed on. Her floaty voice was starting to gain some solidness.

"I told you not to worry Luna", you said exasperatedly.

"But I love you Y/N, and if you seem wary, I need to do something about it", Luna said sadly. You turned to her with a small smile.

"You got me! I'm not used to dating, that's all", you said, covering up the truth with a semi lie. It wasn't the main reason but it was a reason all the same.

"Oh well. I guess that's a good enough excuse", Luna said. She didn't totally believe you but she took it.

After that, you started to lose that wariness...

End of Flashback

You started to be more comfortable dating Luna and you two were inseparable, like two peas in a pod. Now, you were staring at her as she hummed and twirled around the garden. It was adorable. As Luna spun, her skirt floated around her and her eyes sparkled.

"Luna! Tea is ready!" You called out. Luna spun her last spin and turned her head to look at you, smiling softly. She nodded and walked up the steps. It was then you realised she was walking barefoot. "You aren't wearing shoes. Oh well, clean your feet then meet me in the kitchen".

"Ok", Luna said, again in her floaty voice. She was glad you accepted her. You smiled and headed towards the kitchen. You two usually ate there. You did most of the cooking but you also had one other house-elf, Prinny. Prinny did the cleaning of the house but sometimes cooked. That was whenever you were too lazy to make food (sometimes) or when you slept in (all the time). Luna was helpless at cooking. She would get distracted by a butterfly, thinking it was a nargle, and burnt the fried eggs she was cooking. It did happen before and you laughed so hard. Yeah, dating Luna was amazing and if she had that choice in another life, she would take it, over and over again...

 Yeah, dating Luna was amazing and if she had that choice in another life, she would take it, over and over again

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I am so so so sorry! I was too carried away with my other book, Another Lestrange (check it out!), that I forgot to type up another chapter! Welp, at least I updated!

Any requests??


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