Any healer positions? (CharliexReader)

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Another Charlie one!

A female only, sorry. It was an anonymous request,,,

Fun fact: Harry Potter is by J.K. ROWLING

Charlie gulped

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Charlie gulped. This is his graduation day... The day were he graduates from his second home. He sees a sixth year, a pretty one. Of course she's pretty, she's Y/N. Charlie smiled. This lady is the love of his life. But you had to break up because you're moving to Romania for your new job, the evil voice inside his head jeered. Charlie's smile slid of like butter on a hot pan. He sighed. He thought it wouldn't work out, most long distance relationships fade after a while after all. But it said most. You two could be part of that small fraction that still loves each other after years of separation, the tiny hopeful voice suggested. Charlie frowned. If he really loved her, then wouldn't he at least try? Maybe they weren't for each other after all. Charlie wiped away the tears that threatened to escape his sky blue eyes. Today was supposed to be a happy day. Charlie decided to carry on as normal, what else could he do? Except mope about and mourn? Absolutely nothing...

•A year later•

It was graduation day. Hogwarts's graduates were either, crying, laughing, chatting excitedly, smoothing their white robes or pacing back and forth nervously. Y/N stared out a crack through the door, watching families and friends pile into the Great Hall. She gulped. There were so many people! Then out of her peripheral vision, she saw a bunch of red heads. Why are the Weasleys here? Y/N thought. They don't have any sons in the graduating batch. All of the Weasleys were looking around until they sat down, one by one. But, out of all the Weasleys, she saw a red head that made her want to hide until he left. The one and only Charles Weasley was sitting on a chair, smiling and acting as if every thing was fine. Didn't he know how many nights she cried after the only one who understood her, who actually loved her decided that she wasn't it and left? Ok, so maybe it was actually because he had to leave for Romania but couldn't he at least try a long distance relationship? Y/N huffed and blew a strand of H/C hair out of her face. Then, she turned on her heal and left to get a doughnut from a table. Hopefully, there were some chocolate frog doughnuts left.

Y/N stared as each of her year mates got a certificate and a shake of hands. She was going to apply as a healer at St Mungo's. Y/N was Madam Pomfrey's assistant and knew the basics and the difficult stuff. Heck, she had all the OWLs for a healer! Soon, Y/N's name was called and everyone clapped politely. She smiled softly at her headmaster and shook hands. Dumbledore smiled and that twinkle in his eye never left. Y/N thought that twinkle was glitter that got stuck to his eye when they first met, but that idea came to a halt when she found out that the twinkle was permanent. Y/N turned and scanned the crowd, just to see if her Charlie- no, he isn't her's now- if Charles was still there. Why did he want to go to her graduation? They weren't together anymore, so what's the reason? Maybe he came to annoy her? She doesn't know.

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