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Hey guys,

As you can see, I haven't updated and I feel bad. But right now, I'm interested in writing my story, Another Lestrange (go check it out!).

So I've read a few chapters of this one-shot book and oh my merlin...


Like seriously my dudes, how did the people who voted (thanks for that btw) manage to vote?! I couldn't handle it, it was too cheesy. But isn't love already cheesy on its own?

Also, I've already thanked you guys in the paragraph above, but thank you for voting (if you did). If you are a writer (like me) you'll understand how much it means to get a vote (even if it's "not much"). 17 votes may not seem much to you, but to me, it's amazing (I need to find better adjectives). Also, thank you very much, kimthoughts, for voting on most (or all idk tbh) of my one-shots, you're so sweet. I don't know if she (I'm sorry if I'm assuming your gender, it's just that the name 'Kim' in your username made me think of a girl. Like, short for Kimberly or Kimiko.) did it out of pity or my writing is actually good (I doubt the latter is the reason).

I'm trying to update this book and so far I have no inspiration. So...

...Any requests?

If there isn't then that's fine, I'll just think on my own. But that's gonna be hard... I think I'm going to do another Hermione one... I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, enjoy your reading!


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