Complete and total opposites (Tom Riddle x Reader)

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(i'm actually not part of the harry potter fandom anymore lol but i decided to do the last few characters some people wanted to read in an x reader before i discontinue this book)

written in first person :)

(also you are not dumb. this is just the way the you in this oneshot thinks of yourself)

'Requested' by Siriusly_Crazy

'Requested' by Siriusly_Crazy

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This was insanity. Complete and utter insanity. There was no way I, the most dumbest and clumsiest person that I know of, could have wooed the dark and mysterious Tom Riddle. I mean, we were total opposites!

He was smart and got Os for everything, while I barely got by with As!

He was the epitome of the word graceful while I tripped on air!

And he was quiet and reserved while I was loud and annoying.

That was only in personality.

Our looks were no different.

His hair was dark as midnight, and slightly wavy. It was neat.

My hair was blonde like the sun and was curly, frizzy even. My hair was untameable.

His skin was pale, and there were no blemishes whatsoever.

My skin was tan and there were freckles littering my body.

See? Complete and total opposites.

So why, on this goddamn Earth, happened to make the Tom Riddle like me?

It was bat shit crazy.

But it wasn't a bad thing. No, it was a good thing. You see, I have a crush on Tom Riddle and the fact that he might like me was a dream come true!

Let me explain how I know this first...

Tom Riddle burst into the Great Hall and made eye contact with me, love clear in his eyes. He strode over, smiling oh so confidently and BAM! He confessed his undying love for me, his voice so tender and sweet.

Just kidding.

Apparently a friend of my sister's friend told my sister who told my best friend who told my other best friend who ran up the stairs and told me with a shocked and slightly excited voice that Tom Riddle has fallen for me. I laughed at them, not believing them. They looked serious though. This was the second time they ever looked serious and it scared me. So, like a normal person in Ravenclaw (A/N Ravenclaws can't all be smart right? Ravenclaw is the house of creativity and wit as well as intelligence so we can't forget about the other traits), I ran away from them.

Now I'm walking around the grounds and watching people do their thing. Some were lounging on the grass, others were studying out in the open.

Then I bumped into something.

Sorry, someone.

"Oh geez, I'm so sorry!" I cried out. Holy hell, I didn't see that coming!

"It's alright. You should watch where you're going, however. You might be in trouble the next time you bump into someone", a deep (and sexy) voice murmured, amusement laced their tone.

Crap, I know this voice. Why is everything so cliché?

I looked up and saw the one and only Tom Riddle. He looked down at me while I looked up. Oh my goodness, this guy is even hotter up close. A million thoughts ran through my head and I cringed at the fact that I was still standing so close. I took a step back, an awkward laugh erupted from my throat. He smiled a little. Shit, why is he perfect? Can't there be anything bad about him? (A/N Oh honey you have no idea). I gulped.

"S-Sorry again. I should - I should be on my way now", I muttered. I walked away and as if the world had a grudge on me, I tripped. Over my own goddamn feet. I cursed the Gods above and expected for the impact of the cold floor, except, I felt a warm hand grab my arm and pull me back up. It all happened so quickly that I didn't process what happened. I squeaked as my back was pressed against someone's chest. Wow, they were warm...

"Huh, I knew you were clumsy, but not this clumsy..."

Ugh, Tom Riddle just had to be the one to save me. Again, why is everything so cliché?!

"Uh... I'm not usually this clumsy!" I grimaced at the sound of my voice. It was so squeaky. Did I really sound like that?

"Oh really?"

I nodded, my feet shuffled nervously. Riddle laughed softly. Ohmygod. His laugh is perfect. It sounded heavenly. Like ten baby angels autotuned it with their golden hands.

"You're so adorable..." he muttered. My entire body froze. He thinks I'm adorable?!

I turned around, facing him. I'm pretty sure my face was red. He laughed again.

"Would you like to go with me to the library? Maybe show me that you're not really that clumsy?" he said with a lopsided grin. My heart melted. Oh Merlin, give me strength.

"I'd like that", I whispered, glancing at the floor. Then a thought popped into my head.

"I heard a rumour that you like me, in a romantic way. I'd just like to know if you really do?" I asked him, my hands wringing each other. He looked taken aback. Shit, he didn't. I knew it. Whoever started that rumour is going to hell for what they did.

"Who started the rumour? How did they know?" He asked. My eyes widened. Wait, so he really did like me?

"Wait, so you do like me? Why? We're complete opposites there's no way you should like me..."

"Yeah, I do. And apparently, opposites attract..." A grin spread across his face, ears tinted a light shade of red.

Merlin, I really need that strength now.

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