Anniversary (DaphnexReader)

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I don't own Harry Potter (;¬_¬)

F/B=Favourite book

P/M/C=Preferred muggle clothes

It's another day at Hogwarts for you

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It's another day at Hogwarts for you. Exams are finished and most of the older students are laying around, finally stress free. But one student was still stressing over something in the Slytherin dungeons. Daphne wanted to do something special for your anniversary but she didn't have any ideas. Daphne paced back and forth in front of her younger sister, Astoria. "What can I do 'Storia?"

"Think of what they like and focus on that. Maybe try something new?" Astoria suggested. It was worth a try. Besides, Astoria knew you and looked up to you as an older sibling. You will like anything Daphne does for you. Nothing to stress over. But Daphne didn't know that.

"But what if she doesn't like what I do for them?" Daphne whined. She wanted to make it special. After all, it was you first anniversary.

"They will love anything that you give or do for them", Astoria assured her older sister, but to no avail, Daphne was still stressing.

"You don't know that!" Daphne shrieked. It was hopeless, the first anniversary is going to be a disaster and you would end up breaking up with her. Daphne felt like digging her grave and burying herself alive. Not a pleasant death. Astoria looked at her in disbelief.

"If they doesn't like it, which they will don't worry, then they aren't worth it. You spent so much time stressing over it Daph, relax", Astoria said, trying to comfort her sister. Daphne looked at her sadly.

"But I can't relax. And if Y/N doesn't like it, then I will be done for!" Daphne said wide eyed. You are her life and she couldn't think of you leaving her. Daphne bit her lip worriedly. She couldn't bear to see your face with disgust. Astoria sighed.

"I'll go ask them what they would like to do", Astoria said, getting up off her sister's bed. Daphne looked at her with an alarmed expression, she wanted to keep it a surprise. Astoria glanced over to her sister. "It'll be fine. I won't directly ask". Daphne nodded cautiously and sat on her bed.

Time skip~

Astoria saw you sprawled on a couch comfortably, reading F/B (A/N Other than Harry Potter). She smiled. You always read that book and wouldn't dare read anything else except school textbooks. "Hello Y/N", Astoria greeted.

"Hey 'Storia", you greeted back. Astoria grinned. You were calm and crazy at the same time. That's what made you an excellent role model. You balanced those two personality traits perfectly. You weren't afraid to have reckless fun but always kept a level head.

"What types of things do want to try?" Astoria asked 'curiously'. It sounded like a conversation starter but it was really a question to help Daphne. You paused, thinking about it.

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