Unrequited love (James Potter x reader)

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Oof, I'm updating this book. Finally.

Mentions of Sirius x Reader. Also really sappy and weird things in here.

Lol, I did this during class at school.

I don't own the Harry Potter universe.


You stared at the brown haired boy across from them and sighed

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You stared at the brown haired boy across from them and sighed. You've been tutoring them these past few days, even though he's never needed them. James Potter was a genius. He never studied, yet he passed with flying colours. You sighed for the second time. It wasn't fair.

"Remind me why I'm tutoring you again? You're way smarter than me, so you don't need to do this", (Y/N) asked. James looked up and laughed.

"Geez, (Y/N). I've told you so many times. You're good friends with Lily, so if I hang out with you, maybe Lily would actually start to like me".

You felt an ice cold hand grip your heart. You always had a crush on James, but he liked your closest friend. You sighed and rolled your eyes, feigning nonchalance. You looked at your surroundings. You were currently in the common room, no one was in sight except for James and you. You turned to stare at said boy.

"Maybe stop pranking Severus. That way she'll like you".

James gasped dramatically, holding a hand to his heart.

"Stop pranking Snivellus? That's bloody insane. You're asking me to do the impossible (Y/N)"

You snickered.

"Yeah, as if that would happen". James smirked and went back to writing down his essay for transfiguration. You sighed and dipped your quill into the ink pot. James looked up.

"You've been sighing a lot. What's wrong?" James asked, curiously. You glanced up at him and smiled.

"Well, there's this guy I like. He's quite nice but he's also a dick. Sad thing is, he likes someone else. I don't blame him. She's actually really pretty and sweet", You said. James raised a brow.

"If he hurts your feelings, tell me. Sirius and I don't mind another victim for our pranks. No one ever gets away with hurting my baby sibling!"

You smiled wryly. Of course he thinks of you as a sibling. This is worse than being friendzoned.

"Thanks Potter. I'll let you know", You said. Then James looked behind you happily.

"Lily Flower! How great to see you!" James exclaimed, smiling stupidly. He stood up and approached the fiery redhead. You smiled, slightly bitter at the fact he dismissed you so easily. Lily turned to glare at James. His smiled stretched further. Lily's expression seemed to brighten at the fact that you were there.

"Oh! (N/N)! I didn't see you there!" Lily said. You grinned.

"Yeah, just tutoring this idiot over here, not that he needs it", You said. James looked over to you with a mock hurt expression.

"(Y/N), I am not an idiot"

"The explain why you need tutoring"

James huffed and turned away. Lily stared at James, annoyance and admiration in her emerald green eyes. You knew she liked him back. Severus knew too. It was as clear as day. Severus knew you liked James, you told him. And in return, he told you about his love for Lily. You became closer that day, since the two of you both had unrequited loves. You sighed. James turned to you.

"Are you really that hung up on him? Forget him (Y/N), if he's making you sad, he isn't worth your time", James said, staring at you concerned. You smiled softly.

"It isn't that easy Potter", You whispered. Lily rushed over to you.

"Oh no! Does McLaggen really not seem to like you back?" Lily said. You blinked. Oh, from the description of your 'mysterious' crush last night seemed to match Cameron McLaggen (A/N Lol, he's Cormac's uncle. Had to add an oc since I couldn't find another student). It did seem reasonable. McLaggen was known as one of the Gryffindor heartthrobs with his pretty boy good looks. Only downside was, he was arrogant and snobbish. James stared at you bewildered.

"You like McLaggen?! He's an arrogant prick! Why him of all people?"

You grimaced. If McLaggen heard them, he would surely ask you out. You didn't want that. No, no, no. You cringed at the thought of the pretentious bigot showing off while winking and smirking in your direction. Lily saw how you cringed and grimaced, mistaking it for embarrassment.

"Oh merlin! I'm so sorry (Y/N)! I didn't mean to say his name!". You smiled weakly. Lily then turned to James, who was still in shock.

"Why McLaggen of all people? He's even dumber than Wormtail", he kept muttering in a low voice. You stared at him, wishing he was saying that out of jealousy. But alas, James was only doing that since his precious baby sister/brother liked a show off.

"And, Potter! Don't go spreading this information to anyone. It'll embarrass (N/N)", Lily growled out to James. James nodded stiffly.

"Of course Lily Flower. Anything for you Lily Flower", James replied. You groaned. James really does want to kill you today. Lily looked at you worriedly.

"Honestly, this is just embarrassing. Well, I'll be going. I don't want to see you two lovebirds sucking face", You mumbled, walking off to your dorm. It made you sick having to say that. You smiled sadly, hearing James's laughter and Lily's sputtering. You really wished that James would like you back. But turning to wave at them, you saw James smiling indulgently at Lily while she blushed. He looked at her with so much happiness. You waved idly and turned your face around so that they wouldn't see your sad expression. Heh, it was just a crush, it would go away eventually.

A few years later

You smiled as you saw Lily walk down the aisle, wearing a simple yet elegant white gown. It was your best friends wedding day and everything was perfect. You slid your eyes over to the groom. James Potter was looking at his bride with so much awe. Seeing this, you were glad you didn't make a move. They were so happy. Then your eye met your lover's and you smiled happily. Yeah, it was just a silly little crush, and now you were so much more happier. Sirius stared at you, love clear in his eyes. You blushed as he winked. This man. You turned to see Lily smiling widely. Yeah, You were really glad you didn't confess to James.

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