1. Tried and failed

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Tord's POV:

I was laying on the ground covered with blood and a harpoon shot through my chest. I couldn't breathe very well and I was coughing blood. Suddenly I heard a car. I turned my head to see a red car and two men.

My vision became more clear and I saw...Paul and Patryck... I weakly smiled at them and coughed some more blood. They gasped and ran towards me.

"R-Red Leader!" Paul said. "What happened?" Patryck said. My smile faded and I looked down at my 'friends'. "We have to safe him, Patryck!" Paul said. "No." I said in a raspy voice. They looked at me with a questioning look.

"I can not do this. Patryck, Paul. You two are my best soldiers. You never dissapointed me and you always completed your mission. And that's why you two are the next Red Leader." I said and smiled at them.

"W-what? No! Don't die, sir!" Patryck yelled. I could see tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry...I can't make it... Now go back to the army, I believe in you two... Good luck..." I said.

"Y-yes Re- I mean Tord..." They said in unison and saluted at me. I saluted back and relaxed a bit. They stood up and headed back to the car. I looked at them driving back to the base. I sighed and looked at the sky.

"I'm sorry, Edd for telling lies and nonsence and for putting fake smiles. I'm sorry, Matt for punching your face and for breaking all of your pictures... I'm sorry, Tom...for everything... For us fighting and not getting along, for teasing you and for hurting you and your friends... I'm sorry...guys..." I said in a raspy voice and tears.

My eyes begun to close slowly and it was getting harder to breathe. "I'm sorry...old friends..." Was all I said before I closed my eyes completly and my heart took it's last beat...

Tom's POV:

So, we have a new house now, huh? I am so happy we don't live in apartments. (In this book they have a normal house and no apartments, just to let you know.) I would feel even more alone.

I walked into my new room and jumped on my bed. "Finally, no stupid Commie! There is no way someone would ever survive that explosion and fall. Hah! I wonder how his death was, being stabbed with a harpoon and explode right after." I said.

I closed my 'eyes' and imagined Tord with a harpoon in his chest covered in blood and coughing while laying on the ground with pieces of his giant robot behind him. I opened them again and sighed. I looked at the table and saw a picture. I picked it up.

It was a picture of me and Tord when we were little kids, best friends... "Hah, he's gone now..."I said. But then I realized my voice cracked. I felt something went rolling down my face.

'Tears? Am I crying? But why? Wait...' I thought. I looked at the picture again. I felt more tears come out. I sobbed a few times and put the picture down. I sat down on my bed and curled in a ball.

I started crying. I couldn't stop it. I mean, yeah. I hated Tord. But, if you think about it...I killed him... I killed my ex-friend... My ex-best friend! It's just too much.

I continued crying as I was hearing Tord's scream echoing in the wind and seeing him fall down over and over again. When I finally calmed down a little, I stood up and headed to the kitchen. 'I need Smirnoff...' I thought to myself and reached into the fridge.

I took out a bottle of Smirnoff and headed back to my room. I drank it and started quietly sobbing and crying into my pillow. "I'm sorry Tord... Please come back..." I said and fell into a deep sleep.

Edd's POV:

I was sitting on the couch with Matt watching the tv. I wasn't paying any attention to whatever we were watching though. I was thinking about Tord.

'Is it possible that Tord survived the explosion? If yes, will he return and apologize or he'll try to kill us again? Or will he ever come back?' I was so lost that I didn't notice Tom in the kitchen. 'If he'll come back and apologize, will we ever forgive him? I mean, I would love to, but- what?'

"Edd!" Matt yelled. I jumped. "What!? What!?" I said and looked at Matt. He looked worried. "Are you okay, Edd?" He asked. I calmed down and looked away. I nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay." I said.

"You don't look okay." He said. I sighed. "Well, It's about Tord... What if he survived and he'll come back?" I said and looked back at him.

He pulled me into a hug. "Don't worry. If he comes back, we will take care of him. We'll see what he has to say." He said and pulled away.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Yeah, you're right, Matt. We will see." I said. "By the way, did you see Tom?" He asked.

 I looked at him with a questioning look. "What? Why?" I asked him. "He walked into the kitchen and took a bottle of Smirnoff. I said hello, but he didn't answer. He looked like he was crying..." He said. My eyes widen.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes, I wonder what's wrong..." He said. There was silence for a moment. "I'll go check on him." I said and stood up. "I'll go with you." I heard him say.

We walked to Tom's room. I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again, but louder. Nothing. I sighed and quietly opened the door.

Tom was asleep. He was still holding an emptly bottle of Smirnoff.

Matt was right, he really looked like he was crying. I wonder what's wrong with him... I'm starting to get worried. I sighed again and closed the door.

I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. Matt sat next to me. It was silent. He then hugged me. "I know you're worried, Edd. We will ask him about this later, okay?" He said. I hugged him back. "Okay..."

Welp guys, this is for the first chapter!
I hope you'll like this book. I don't even know, how I got the idea, but I like it.

Thank you all so much again for the support with 'Hertless...' and 'Emotionless...'. I really appreciate it. Well, bye now!

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