12. Lost Part 1

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Tord's POV:

It was pretty late and Edd with Matt were already asleep while me and Tom were still awake. He was on his phone and I was just staring at the tv which wasn't even on, but I didn't care. I was too lost in my thoughts.

I was still thinking of what am I suppose to do. It's not like I hate being an angel, but it feels...I don't know... Like you're not completly alive and you, are not.

"Hey Tord, you okay there?" Tom suddenly asked. "What? Oh. Yeah, I'm alright." I answered as I yawned. "Are you sure? You are spacing out kinda ofter." He said. "I'm...fine..." I said and yawned again.

'I guess I just need to sleep.' I thought as I laid down and sighed. I was looking at the ceiling spacing out again, but I was still able to hear what Tom said.

"Alright then... I'm going to bed now. It's late. Goodnight." "Goodnight." I answered and yawned again. My eyes were getting heavy so Iclosed them. 'I feel really tired, so why not sleep?' I thought to myself as I slowly falled asleep.

I woke up in a...bush? This looks familiar... I stood up and saw that I'm on the top of the hill. Pieces of my giant robot were still there along with my body.

'Why am I here? I already know, who I am...' I thought. I started walking around. Everything was the same. I looked at myself. I really was a guarding angel, so why am I here?

"Welcome back, Tord." Someone suddenly said. I recognised the voice. It was the voice who told me that I am a guarding angel. "Thanks, but...why am I here?" I asked the voice. "All of your friends forgave you, right?" It said.

"Uhh, yes. But there is a problem..." I said. "I know. You are still a guarding angel and you don't know, what are you suppose to do." It said. I nodded. "Yes. So what am I suppose to do? They forgave me, right?" I asked it.

The voice however stayed silent. "Please, tell me." I said. "I'm sorry, but YOU are the one that has to figure it out." It finally answered. "B-but how am I suppose to figure it out?" I screamed.

Silence. "Please." I said. "You will not leave this dream world until you'll figure it out, Tord." The voice said. My eyes widen. "What? But how?" It stayed silent again. "Tell me what am I suppose to do?" I said. "TELL ME!" I yelled, but no answer.

I fell down on my knees. "Please..." I said and started quietly sobbing. Suddenly I heard something behind me. "Hah, no! What would I need friends for when I got this!? I'm UNSTOPPABLE!!! Hah hah ha!" My eyes widen in fear.

I got up and watched what was going on. I gasped. I saw a giant robot and...I was in there... "So long! Old friends!" I yelled as I started to fly up.

"I. AM NOT. YOUR. FRIEND!!!" Tom suddenly showed up holding his harpoon gun and I only watched as he fired the harpoon which came flying towards me. A big explosion appeared. I felt tears in my eyes. I fell down and started crying. "Stop!!!" I yelled.

Suddenly everything went silent... I opened them again to see everything was gone. The giant robot, my body, Tom and the others and everything looked normal. Suddenly, my giant robot appeared again...

'Not...again... Please...'

Tom's POV:

I woke up and yawned. The sun was shining in my face. I rubbed my 'eyes' and checked the time. 9:56. I sighed and got up. I headed into the kitchen to see Edd and Matt. Edd looked up at me and smiled.

"Good morning Tom!" He said. "Morning." I answered when I sat down. I took out my phone and checked some social media. Edd placed some eggs and bacon in front of me. I thanked him and begun to eat it.

When I finished, I noticed I haven't seen Tord today. I guess, he was still asleep? I better go check on him. I got up and walked into the living room. I looked at the couch to see him sleeping. I smiled. 'Cute...'

I then noticed...a tear. Was he having a nightmare? My smiled faded and I petted his hair trying to calm him down. It didn't really work. He sobbed a little. After a while more tears appeared.

"Shh, It's okay Tord. It's just a nightmare." I told him still petting his hair. He stopped crying and sobbing this time, but he still didn't look calm.

I guess I couldn't do anything about it really. I stopped petting him and headed back to the kitchen.

Tord's POV:

"I. AM NOT. YOUR. FRIEND!!!" Tom yelled again and shot a harpoon at my giant robot once again. I was just laying on the ground crying and sobbing. "Stop! Please stop! I can't take it anymore!!! I still don't know what am I suppose to do, but stop it!!! Please!!!" I screamed.

It didn't stop. It repeated again. This is hell. I have to figure out what am I suppose to do. I just have to...or I will never get out of here...

Edd's POV.

Tom came back in the kitchen. I looked up at him. "Is Tord still asleep?" I asked him. He looked at me and he nodded in responce.

"Why? Are we going somewhere?" He asked. "I don't know. Just curious." I answered. I knew Tord never really slept for long. He never did. I thought about it for a while, but brushed it off. Everyone sometimes just want to sleep longer. So, It's normal, right? Right.

I just thought that we could go camping or go somewhere. I wanted to tell that to everyone, but I'll wait until Tord will wake up. Which I hope will be soon, because I can't wait. I'm excited.

I wonder for how long will he sleep...

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