11. The wolf

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Tom's POV:

We reached our house and walked inside. Edd and Matt were not there yet. Me and Tord sat on the couch and turned on the tv. We flipped through some random channels trying to find something interesting.

I decided we will just wath 'The Children'. Tord didn't know that show so I wanted to show it to him. After a while of watching it, Tord seemed to space out again.

'I wonder, what is he thinking about... I hope he's okay...' I thought to myself as I glanced at him with a worried and curious look. He didn't even notice me. I shook my head and continued watching the tv.

I wasn't interested in the show anymore, I was just thinking about Tord. I looked over at him again to find him sleeping. I chuckled. I turned the tv off and stood up. Suddenly, my phone made a little 'buzz' noise.

I took out my phone. 1 new message. I clicked on it. It was from Edd. I wonder what is up.
I read his message.

Edd: Tom, I don't want to scare you, but me and Matt kinda got lost in the woods...
Tom: What?
Edd: Like I said, we got lost. Can you please help us? We don't really know, where we are...

I sighed. 'Well, how am I suppose to find them if I don't know where to search?' I thought. I looked at my phone again.

Tom: Well, okay. I'll try to help you, but how am I suppose to find you two?
Edd: I don't know... Maybe Tord can help somehow...

I looked at Tord who groaned slightly, but continued sleeping. 'Maybe he can...I don't know... Fly up and see if he can find them?' I thought. Well, It' worth a try.

Tom: Okay. We'll be there in a while. Just, try not to run around that much.
Edd: Okay, thanks. Bye.
Tom: Bye.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked over at Tord. I gently shook him. "Tord." I said. He groaned and slightly opened his eyes. He sat up and looked at me. "Tom, what's wrong?" He asked me still sounding a bit tired.

I sighed. "Well, Edd and Matt got lost in the woods and they need our help. I wondered if you could fly and maybe you will see them?" I answered. He rubbed his eyes and nodded. "Sure, let's go." He said and we walked out once again.

Tord's POV:

So they go lost, huh? Me and Tom were walking towards the woods. "Here we are. I wonder why did they even go into these woods?" I asked. "I have no idea. But let's go." Tom answered and we walked in.

My wings started to grow again. It hurt a little, but I was used to it already. Once it was done, I told Tom to stay here as I'll fly around and look for them. He nodded in responce and I flyed away.

At first, I didn't see anything. Just trees and some bushes. I sighed as I wanted to give up when I heard a scream. 'That sounded like...Edd!' I thought and followed the noise.

And then I saw them... They were sitting on the grass hugging each other and then there was...a wolf. I heard some footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Tom looking at me.

He then looked at Edd and Matt and gasped. "Holy hotdog in a purple toaster!" He screamed. The wolf somehow didn't notice us yet.

I then thought about something... I'm a guarding angel, right? And I am suppose to guard THEM! So that's what I will do now! "Tom, tay here out of sight while I'll try to take the wolf's attention. When he'll follow me, you with Matt and Edd will run away, got it?" I told him.

"But, what about you?" He asked. "Tom, I can fly, remember? I'll take care of myself and then I'll find you." I answered. "Alright then." He said and hid in the bush. I walked closer to the wolf. Edd and Matt noticed me. I winked at them and then turned to the wolf. "Hey, coma and catch me! If you can!" I yelled at the wolf.

He opened his mouth showing his sharp teeth and started running towards me. I started running away and led him somewhere else. I looked behind me to see Tom kneeling next to Edd and Matt and then they ran away. I smiled to myself and opened my wings.

When the wolf almost bit me, I flyed up to the sky leaving him down there barking and jumping while looking at me. I smirked and flyed away. 'Now to find the guys.' I thought.

I was flying and looked around the woods. After a few minutes I heard someone behind me. "Tord! We are here!" The voice yelled. I turned to see Edd, Matt and Tom waving at me and smiling.

 I smiles back and flyed towards them. I landed on the ground and they hugged me. I hugged them back. We then pulled away. "Are you all okay?" I asked them. They nodded.

"That was awesome Todd!" Matt said. I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for saving us, Tord." Edd said. "It was nothing. I am a guarding angel afterall." I said.

"Okay, let's go home now." Tom said. We all nodded and we headed exited the forest. We didn't got lost this time. We were all talking and chatting on our way back.

'But, what am I suppose to do? When will I be able to choose if I want to be a human or if I want to die? When will my job be done?' I thought to myself, but didn't say anything to them.

We all just walked home and enjoyed each other's company. We watched the tv again and just spend the time like friends... Best...friends...

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