30. Catch a falling star

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Tord's POV:

Tom smiled at me. We stood there in silence when another thunder could be heard. I looked out of the window again and saw a lightning appear on the sky. 'I want to go outside...' I thought.

I shook my head. 'No! I should stay here...but...I kinda want to go outside...' I thought and decided that maybe I should just take a quick look. I started walking towards the door. "Umm, Tord? Where are you going?" Edd asked.

I ignored his question. All I wanted now is to go out there. I wonder, why though. As soon as I opened the door, a wave of the wind hit me.

I didn't mind and I just walked outside. It was dark, really dark. You could barely see where you are going. But I just...for some reason I found it satisfying. Since it was hard for me to see, sometimes a lightning appeared on the dark sky and that made me see for a while.

I kept walking away from the house, I didn't even look back. I could hear the guys screaming my name. I was about to turn back, but I couldn't. There was something that kept me going foward.

I wanted to at least yell at my friends that I will be okay and that they should stay home. I will return. But I wasn't able to do anything. I just kept walking...and walking...and walking... Will I ever stop? What was that thing making me keep going..?

Tom's POV:

"Tord! Come back! Where are you going?" I screamed at Tord. It was so dark, it was hard for me to keep track of where he was. He was almost too far away from us.

"Tord! Come back, please!" I yelled at him again, but he ignored me and just kept walking. Away. Away from us. Is he...leaving us? My 'eyes' filled with tears. I couldn't see him. I lost him. I kept screaming his name into the night.

Edd and Matt were just silent. I could only see pitch balck, but sometimes I saw a flash that made everything light up for a second.

I then gave up. My throat hurt and tears were falling down my face. I started crying. "Tord..." I said quietly to myself. Edd placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him. He looked really worried.

He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. "Don't worry, Tom. He will return. I just know it." Edd said. "Yeah, don't worry." Matt added and smiled at me. I pulled away from the hug. I wish I could smile back, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"But, why would he leave? He didn't even tell us where is he going!" I said. "Tom, I'm sure he's-" I cut him off. "I have to follow him! Something might be wrong with him. I just have to find him!" I said and was about to leave, but Edd stopped me.

"Tom, no. Don't go there. It's too  dark. I am sure Tord will return anytime soon. Just wait here." He said. "No Edd! I have to find him!" I said and without letting him argue with me, I ran the same way Tord went.

I didn't stop running. I didn't turn around to see if Edd and Matt are ther. No. All I wanted to see was Tord...my Tord...

*time skip*

I was lost. I thought that he would walk back to the magical place, but he wasn't there. I decided to go back, but I got lost in the woods...at night...at storm. Yes. It was still raining, thunders could be heard and lightning lighten up the sky for a few times.

I bumped into some trees from time to time, but I didn't care. After a long while of walking in the forest, nearly crying, I heard something. It sounded like someone was...singing...

I stopped walking and listened. Wait...that sounded familiar... And then after a while it hit me. Tord!

I started running towards the voice, not caring if I could see or not. And then, I saw it. There was a big tree and on one of the branches sat Tord, holding...a guitar? I didn't even thought about why he had that, I ran closer to the tree.

"Tord! I found you!" I yelled. He stopped playing the guitar and looked down at me. He smiled at me and jumped down from that tree. "Heh, I knew you would find me." He said.

I hugged him tightly. When we pulled away, I asked him. "Tord...why did you run away?" He stopped smiling. "Well, I... I don't even know... It was like something was making me to go far. I wanted to scream at you that I will return, but I couldn't do anything..." He answered.

I stayed silent. "But when I snapped out of my trance, I found something...really interesting..." He said. I looked at him, curious.

"What is it?" I asked him. He walked over to a bush. That bush seemed...suspicious. There was something up with it. He suddenly reached a hand into the bush and took out something that made me close my 'eyes'.

It was so bright! But, what was it? When the light faded a bit, I opened them again. I gasped when I saw it. It was...a star! But it was kinda small. I know stars are suppose to be big, I can remember something from schoool, but this one...you could just...put it in your pocket!

"Wow..." I said. "When I came here, I climbed on this tree and suddenly I saw a bright light coming towards my way. I didn't have time to move away and...this fell in my hands." He paused.

"Then I was told from the stars that It's...a gift... Then they told me that they were the ones that lead me here and that they knew you would search for me. And they told me that they wanted to give you a gift as well." He said.

"Really? What is it?" I asked him. "I...don't know. I'll ask them." Tord said and looked up at the sky, so did I.

After a while of silence, I looked at him. "Well..." He paused. Suddenly, the rain just stopped. It was still dark, the only light I could see was coming from the star and from the moon.

"They said: 'Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day...'" Tord answered. "What does that suppose to me-" I noticed a bright light coming towards my way... Just like what happened to Tord.

I then knew what I was suppose to do. It was another star. It was close enough to me and I catched it. The light almost made me blind, but I didn't care. It was...beautiful...

Suddenly, I heard Tord play on a guitar. I looked at him, he was smiling. And then, he started singing...

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket,
never let it fade away...
Catch a falling star and put it in you pocket,
save it for a rainy day...

I smiled back at him and listned to the song. A melody to my ears...

For love may come and tap you on the shoulder,
some starless night.
And just in case you feel you want to hold her,
you'll have a pocketful of starlight.

He finished the song. I kept smiling while hugging the star. A blue light surrounded the guitar and when it faded, it wasn't there anymore. It didn't suprise me that much.

"Come on, we should head home." He said. I nodded in responce and I took his hand. Our wing swere growing again, but I didn't even notice that. We flew up to the sky while still holding our stars close. I looked at him and he looked at me.

He leaned in and our lips met again. It felt nice. And there we were, flying in the sky, holding bright stars and kissing... The best moment I could ever imagine...

The End

Well guys, I guess this is it. I can't believe it's over already! It feels like it was yesterday since I've made this book! I really loved it! And I think you all did too.

I really am not happy to leave this book. I'm gonna miss this. *cries* But don't worry, I'm already planning another one!

But I'll be honest with you, guys. Everytime I'm making a new book, I'm really nervous and thinking about things like the hate and stuff like that. But I know that they're people that loves my books and that is keeping me going.

So thank you guys for the support, I don't think I would make it this far without you. I might even make a sequel to this, but not right now.

Anyway, I guess that's all guys! Thanks again for the support with this books and see ya!

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