22. Getting closer

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Tord's POV:

I was in that place again. On the top of the hill. I stood up and realized that I was laying in a...bush. 'Oh no... Not again... PLEASE!' I thought.

"Well hello again, Tord." I heard a fimilar voice. My eyes widen. It was the voice who was talking to me when I turned into a guarding angel! I could not believe it... What does he want from me now?

"D-don't tell me I'm trapped again! Or something even worse!" I said. "Don't worry Tord. I am just here to say that you are getting closer..." The voice said. I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked.

"You are getting closer...closer to getting your mission done..." The voice answered. "Really? But I still don't know what am I suppose to do..." I said and sighed. "That is the last step you have to do to become a human. Or die. You just have to realize it..." The voice answered.

"But, can I ask you something?" I said. "Yes." "If I'll become a human, will I be damaged, injured and burned? You know, from the incident...?" I asked. "Well, yes." The voice answered. I looked down. "And, is there any possible way to...stay like this?" I asked.

"What? You mean like the guarding angel?" I nodded in responce. "Well, it's your choice, but I'm warning you if that's what you want to choose. You can never turn into a human again. Or die so you'll stay like this." The voice said.

I smiled and nodded. "Wait. Will I be in this form forever? Like, on this world?" I asked. "No. When the people you are guarding die, which are Edd, Matt and Tom, you will die as well." The voice answered.

"Oh. That makes sense. So, all I have to do now is to realize, what even was my mission in the first place." I said. "Yes. Try to say the hint again and try to figure it out. Now you can go and, good luck."

I woke up with Tom still sleeping and snoring next to me. I smiled and checked the time. It was 8 am. I decided to get up. I let Tom sleep.

I walked into the kitchen to see Edd and Matt already there eating breakfast. 'Damn, they really do wake up pretty early, don't they?' I asked myself. They noticed me. Matt smiled and waved at me, but Edd just looked at me.

I smiled and waved as well. Edd looked scared...? Why? "Hey Edd, is...something wrong?" I asked him and sat to the table with them. He sighed.

"It's just that...if you will become a human again, will you be injured from the incident..?" He asked me. I froze. 'Looks like he's worried about the same thing I was.' I thought. I reasured him with a smile.

"Look Edd, I...will. But I'm thinking about actually...staying like this." I said. He calmed down a little. "Stay like this? But didn't you say that you feel like you are not completly alive?" He asked.

"Well, yeah. But I'm getting really used to it. Besides, I am here to help you and I can maybe safe some of you before you get hurt! And I can even fly! And I'm not feeling any pain from the incident. So that's why I'm just wondering about staying like a guarding angel." I explained.

"Oh. Well, it's your choice. But I'm pretty sure we all want you to stay with us." Edd said and smiled at me. I smiled back when we heard footsteps.

It was Tom. He looked kinda tired. I smiled at him. "Well good morning, Tom!" I said. He smiled at me. "Morning. What's up?" He asked and sat next to me. "Well, I was thinking and I think I'll just...stay like this..." I said.

He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "That I will be staying in this angel form." I answered. His face lit up. "That's great!" He said. I chuckled.

"Hey guys, should we go somwhere today?" Edd asked. We looked at him. "Where?" Matt spoke. "I don't know, the beach?" He said. "No. We all know it there. If only there was aplace that looks good and we haven't seen him yet." Matt answered.

Me and Tom looked at each other thinking about the same idea. We smiled and looked back at Edd. "You guys remember when I told you about the place from my dream?" I asked them.

"Yeah?" Edd said. "How about there?" Tom said with a smile. Edd and Matt looked at him confused. "You've been there?" Tom nodded. "It was really beautiful there, you should guys totally see it!" He said excited. I giggled while blushing a little.

Edd smiled. "Okay! So, should we go now?" We all nodded at the same time and we stood up.
"So Tord, you better lead the way. I think you know it much better than we do." Edd said. "Okay." I simply answered and we walked towards the forest.

Tom's POV:

We followed Tord into the forest while I've been looking around. It was nice. Edd and Matt were talking so I sneaked up next to Tord and smiled at him. He looked at me and smiled back.

"Hey Tom..." He said. "Yes?" "Do you think we should tell them about...us? I mean, they will find oout about that anyway." He said. "Actually, yeah. So when we get there?" He nodded in responce.

We reached the place and Tord spoke. "So, we are here!" Edd and Matt were looking at the place with suprised faces.

"Wow, Tord. This looks beautiful!" Edd said. "But still not as beautiful as me!" Matt added. We all rolled our eyes and then looked at Tord. He closed his eyes and his right arm started glowing. Edd and Matt looked startled and shocked while I was just standing there, calm.

"T-Tord! What's up with your arm?" I could hear Edd ask. "It's okay, Edd. It's not gonna hurt us!" I yelled at him. He looked at me suprised, but seemed to calm down.

Light made us all blind. I was calm and not suprised since I already knew this. When the light faded, I saw exactly what I expected to see. Edd and Matt were staring at this place with their jaws dropped.

"Guys, so this is the place from my dream!" Tord said with a grin. "Wha- How did..." Edd stuttered. "Calm down, Edd. It's fine." I said and he relaxed a little.

"Welp, now this is what I call magical..."

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