10. Arcade

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Tord's POV:

After a few minutes, Tom fell asleep once again. I chuckled and pulled some blankets over him. When I was about to leave, I gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead. He smiled softly and I then quietly left his room.

I walked into the living room. I sat on the couch and sighed. 'Even though I forgave him, he still cut himself... He promised me he wouldn't cut, but I still have that feeling that he feels guilty...' I thought worried.

I then with my worried thoughts slowly fell asleep on the couch. I have to make him forgive himself... I can't let him hurt himself even more... I just...can't.

*time skip*

I was sleeping peacefully, it was silent, I felt great...until... "Wake up sleepyhead!" I heard someone scream. I yelped and jumped making me fall of the couch. I hit my head slightly. "Ouch... Don't do that again..." I said while holding my head.

"Hehe, sorry." Edd said while scratching his neck. I stood up and looked at him. Is something going on that you woke me up like this?" I asked him.

"Well, It's 10:23 am and we are going to the arcade! Now I'm gonna wake Tom up!" He said and was about to leave when I stopped him. "I'll do it myself..." I said and walked towards Tom's room.

I knew Edd was gonna yell at him just like at me, but since I know what happened yesterday, I don't want him to get hurt even more. I quietly opened the door to see Tom still sleeping. I smiled to myself. He looked cute when he was sleeping.

I came up to him and gently shook him. "Tom." I said in a quiet tone. He groaned a bit. "Tom." I said again. He groaned again and looked at me. I smiled at him. "Morning!" I said in a cheerful voice. He rubbed his 'eyes'.

"Morning. Is something up?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, It's around 10:23 and we are going to the arcade. Edd wanted to wake you upby himself, but since whathe did to me I didn't need another person to hit his head." I answered.

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. "Umm, okay." He just said. He slowly got out of his bed and we walked into the kitchen. Matt and Edd were there eating pancakes. When Edd saw us, he smiled and waved at us.

"Good morning, guys!" He said. "Morning." We said in unison. We sat to the table with them and Edd placed a plate with some pancakes as well in front of us. "After we eat, we are going to the arcade." Matt said in excitement.

I chuckled and started to eat. Tom did the same. The pancakes were good.
After we ate, we locked the house and started walking towards the arcade. They were having a conversation, but I just stayed silent and looked around.

We passed by the park. A memory came into my mind. I remembered when me and Tom sat there and made flower crowns. I smiled at it. I was then looking at the sky until we reached the arcade.

"Okay. I think we should split up. So, I'll be with Matt. We will stay here for...3 hours?" Edd said and looked at all of us. "Sounds good." I said. Tom and Matt just nodded and we split up, Matt with Edd and me with Tom.

It was fun! We were playing all sorts of games. We sometimes even played together. We were laughing and I was really happy.

Time flyed and without realizing it, it was almost 3 hours right now. "Aww, I don't want to go home, I was enjoying it!" Tom whined like a kid. I giggled. "Come on, let's go." I said and we walked to the place where we were suppose to meet.

We saw a bench and sat on it. We waited for a few minutes, but Edd or Matt were not here. I sighed. "What is taking so long?" I said. "I have apsolutely no idea." Tom said and pulled out his phone. He stared at the screen for a while.

"Umm, I got a text from Edd..." He said. I looked at him. "What does it say?" I asked him. "Well, he said that he's going to hang out with Matt for a bit and that they're gonna return home later." He answered and looked at me.

"Oh..." I said. "Should...should we go home now?" He asked. "I don't know, do you want to go somwhere?" I asked him.

He stayed silent for a while. "Maybe we can just go back to the arcade and play some more games for a while?" I nodded at that and smiled. We walked back into the arcade.

We were playing games again. And like the last time, we were having fun. But then, something came into my mind.  'Wait a minute, when I woke up as a guarding angel, thevoice said that my friends have to forgive me...' I thought and spaced out.

'...And they did. It also said that I then can choose if I want to be a human again or if I want to die... But if they forgave me, why couldn't I choose and I am still a guarding angel?' I thought to myself. "Tord?" Tom said.

'And when will I have to choose, will I continue on living or will I rather die?' "Tord?" Tom said again, but I ignored him. 'And if I will come back as a human, how will I look like? Will I be damaged? Will I feel any pain?' I thought to myself.

"TORD!" Tom yelled at me. I snapped out. "H-huh? Oh, I'm sorry Tom. I spaced out." I said. "It's okay. And well, the arcade is closing, let's get out." He said.

I nodded and we walked out of the arcade. We sat on the bench again and talked for a while. "What were you thinking about anyways when you were so spaced out?" Tom asked me. "Well..." I said.

'Should I tell him? Or is it not important?' I thought to myself. "It's nothing..." I said. He looked at me curious and confused, but didn't say anything.

"Let's go home now, alright?" I said. He nodded and we stood up. We started walking back home. We both stayed silent for the entire walk.

If they really forgave me, then... What else am I suppose to do?

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