3. The road to forgivness

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Tord's POV:

Edd slammed the door and I could hear them talking inside. I sighed. 'What if they'll not forgive me? And will they be mad when they will find out about my angel form?' I was asking myself until I heard someone scream inside.

"It's Tord!" I guess it was Edd. My eyes were filling up with tears. I wish they all wwould just forgive me. But I can't blame Edd for acting like that...

Suddenly the door slowly opened. It was Edd again, but he looked...scared. I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. I looked at him. "W-why are you here, T-Tord?" He asked and opened the door wider. "I-I..."

Tom and Matt came from behind him. "Yeah. Why are you here Tord?" Tom asked. But he didn't sound angry...but he said it in a calm voice... I expected him to hate me...
"I-I wanted to apologize...for everything... I know I hurt you all guys...and I'm sorry..."

Tears were now falling down my face. I hid my face in my sleeves and quietly sobbed in them. They were just silent. I started to cry. I tried my best to hold it in, but couldn't.
Suddenly I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me.

I stopped crying and looked who was it. It was Edd. He was hugging me. But why? Why would he hug me? He was scared like a minute ago... I hugged back and sobbed in his shoulder.

When we pulled away, I was suprised he didn't see my wings...but then I realized they're not there. Did they dissapear? Will they only appear when I need them? I guess it works like that.
Edd smiled at me. "I forgive you Tord..." He said.

"What?" I looked at him. "B-but why would you forgive me after I hurt you all so much?" I said. "Because I believe everyone deserves a second chance, Tord." He said still with a warm smile.
I smiled back at him. "Thank you...so much..."

He let me in. The house looked nice. It was bigger then the other one which...I...destroyed... I sat on the couch. Edd and Tom sat next to me and Matt walked somwhere in the kitchen.

"So Tord, how you've been doing?" Edd asked. This made me think a little. 'I mean, I can't tell them "Oh you know, crying on top of the hill with my destroyed giant robot behind me while choking to my death with a harpoon in my chest!" So what to say?' I thought.

"U-uhh, fine. I guess... And you?" I asked nervously. He looked at me a little suspicious. "Fine." He answered. Tom then spoke after being quiet the whole time.

"Hey commie. I expected to see you...a bit injured after what happened... Or did you save yourself or something like that?" He asked. I looked at him nervously.
"U-uhh... I don't know..?" I said with a nervous smile.

"Tord...are you hiding something?" Edd asked. "N-no! Of course not! Hehe..." I said.
"And also, why are you wearing this? You always wore a red hoodie..." "Ummm..." I said. 'They're onto me. Should I tell them? I mean, what if they'll be mad or something?'

I sighed in defeat. "Fine, I'll tell you... But I hope you wont freak out..." I said. Edd and Tom nodded. I sighed again. "Well Tom, to answer your questions... You know...the harpoon, ehh..."

"Spill it out." He said. "The harpoon didn't miss me at all...in fact...it hit me through my chest..." I said and looked down. I heard Edd and Tom gasp. "W-what? But that's impossible for someone to survive that! And even that explosion!" Tom screamed.

I looked at him in his black void 'eyes'. I could see a lot in there. A lot of mixed emotions. Pain, guilt, suprise, sadness, defeat and many more... But why would he feel guilty?

"That's because I didn't survive..." I said and looked at them. They were both looking at me in shock. "W-what?" Edd said. "You see, I just...couldn't make it... I tried, but failed... The last thing I wanted to do is to apologize to you..." I said.

"T-then how are you still alive? Or dead alive? Or..." Tom said. I looked at him. He was really confused. "Well, how can I explain this... It's not like I'm really dead... Because I'm-" I was cut off by the already known pain in my back. I knew exactly what that meant.

I waited for my wings to grow again. In the mean time I was watching Tom and Edd. They looked really shocked by what they are seeing. After they finally fully showed up, I finished my sentense.

"...A guarding angel..." It was silent. Deadly silent. I could hear someone drop a plate. I looked to the kitchen to see Matt standing there while staring at my wings. He dropped a plate with cookies. I didn't dare to say anything.

Edd was the first one to snap out of his trance. "W-what...the...cola.." He said still in shock. I sighed. "I knew you would freak out, that's why I didn't wanted to tell you." I said and looked down.

I could hear someone sob. I looked up to see...Tom sobbing? But why? "Tom?" I asked him. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to kill you! This is all my fault!" He screamed. By this point he started crying. 'What? He feels...guilty for that?' I thought as I moved closer to him.

I pulled him into a hug. "Tom... I didn't mean for ANY of this to happen. It was not your fult that I came back and attacked with my giant robot. I was just an idiot... You have no need to feel guilty for that. So please...don't cry..." I said in a calm voice.

He hugged back and cried on my shoulder. "T-thank you..." He said. Edd and Matt who snapped out of his trance as well joined the hug. When we broke the hug, Edd spoke.

"Tom...is this why you've been drinking and crying in your room..?" Edd asked Tom. I looked at Tom. "What?" I said. He looked at me and sighed.
"I-I just felt...so guilty... I thought you were dead...and you were... I just couldn't stand that fact..." He said looking down.

I hugged him again. "Shh... It's okay... I'm still here..." I said. He hugged me back. "And I'll try to make it up to you all..."

Tom's POV:

We were hugging each other. I still couldn't believe he forgave me... I really didn't want to kill him... But at least he's still here...right?

We broke the hug and looked at each other. I noticed that his left eye was grey, but his right eye was red. It looked really cool though. And he had a blue rose in his hair. It kinda looked cute on hi- No! Stop thinking that way, Thomas!

It's not like I like him! It's not like I...like him...

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