Chapter 21

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Crystal's Pov

Matt and I decided to grab something to from Taco Bell, since we had 2 hours to get back to the hotel, pack up our stuff and head to the airport. We reached back to the hotel, Cam and Angie weren't there but their stuff was, so i guess they went out to eat. Matt and i were finished and packed our stuff into the trunk and started to head for the airport.

Matt's Pov

We started leaving for the airport and i can't wait till Crystal meets my paents, they'll be leaving the day after we get there for a business meeting but atleast they have a day to get to know eahother. There is just something about her, the way she smiles just melts my heart. My parents will love her.

"Why are staring at me?" Crystal asked.

"Umm noting just admiring you and your beautiful self." I answered.

she blushed and hid her face fro me not see but i thought it was cute, the way she still is shy around me is adorable.

Crystal's Pov

I can't help but blush everytime he compliments me or says the most sweetest things to me. I never had that with Hayes, i guess it wasn't meant to be with him. Good beacuse he was a jerk anyways, i'm glad it work out with him.

"Crystal are you alright?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, i'm fine." I answered.

He looked at me in disbelief, but didn't say anything.

*At the hotel*

Cam's Pov

I guess Matt and Crystal left early for their flight. We better get ready too, we have an hour and a half to get there.

Angie's Pov

Aww Crystal and Matt already left for their flight, we better get ready too. It's a good thing we have the same flight with them but Cam and I are getting off in San Diego and their getting off in Long Beach, which is only an hour or so away from us. 

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