Chapter 33

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Crystal's Pov

Well Matt and I are on our way to the airport. I can't wait to see Matt's parents again and where he grew up. Matt also told me he had a dog named Burnie, I absolutely love dogs can't wait to meet him. I already graduated but i just have to get my diploma in September - yeah my school is weird. i still want to go to college, going om tour with the guys, I'll take online classes.

Matt's Pov

Crystal looks absolutely beautiful, eventhough she has sweat pants on and her hair tied up. She looks good in anything. I'm surprised no one sent her hate as yet or is she hiding it from me. Crystal has a very bad passed and won't open up to just anyone about it, she only told me somethings. Crystal thinks I haven't seen her scars yet, but it kills me inside everytime i see them. I want to ask her so bad about them but i'm afraid to. What if she thinks i'm judging her.

Crystal's Pov

I know i have so much more to tell Matt about my pased but i'm ready to tell him. I don't know how this topic just popped in my head, but i think i need to tell him soon. I look over to Matt and tears are welling in his eyes. We have two hours for our flight to leave, Matt can pull over a couple of minutes and it won't hurt.

"Babe pull over. Why are you crying?" He did as i said and looked me in the eye.

"I wanna know why?" Matt tried so hard not to bawl.

"Why what? You're not making any sense." He pulled up my left sleeve and looked at me.

"Why would you do this babe?" More tears kept falling. I started to tear up aswell i thought he didn't see them but all this time i was just hurting him by not tellihng him.

"I can't tell you right now we have to get to the airport if we don't want to miss our plane."

"Fine but when we get home your so explaining, it's hurting me not knowing why you would do this to yourself."

I just sat there quite. How am I supposed to tell Matt. He is the reason I'm here today. When i got into high school even before that i was bullied, for what i don't know. People would callme slut, bitch you name it they called me it, but the thing is i'm none of those things.Once you hear someone  call you something for awhile you start to believe it, that's when I started to cut. It just took all the pain away. The bullying started to get really bad and i wanted to end it. The same day i was going to end my life i went on vine and i saw one of Mattew's videos, I went to his profile and i and just watched all of them. I forgot about ended my life because of one video of a guy that i never thought would be my boyfriend that i loved very much. It's like God sent a message for me not to end it because i have so much more to live for. I hope Matt doesn't think of me any different because that would break me.

Matt's Pov

We are almost at the airport and i just can't get it off my mind.I want to know why, i want to help her. She probably thinks I'm going to judge her but no,i would just love her even more. It kills me that she would keep it from me and not tell me sooner.

*At the Airport*

-Still Matt's Pov-

We just went through coustoms and now we're sitting waiting for them to call our flight. just as i said that they called us for boarding. We both got up and wwent to our seats. Crystal sat down and instantly rested her head on my shoulder, at this point i didn't care whether she told me or not as long as she's with me now.

Crystal's Pov

I know i have to tell him, it's been too long trying to hide it from him.Well i thought i was hiding it from him. Matt thinks i'm sleeping but i'm not, I'm going to ask him when he saw my scars.


"Oh i thought you were asleep? Yeah what's wrong?"

"When did you see my scars?" My eyes started to tear up.

"The first time i saw them is when Hayes broke your heart. Your arm was in a position that when i glanced down at you they caught my eye. I wanted to ask you so many times but i was afraid." He started to tear up.

"Afraid of what?"

"Afraid that you would think i'm judging you, you wouldn't love me anymore and you would leave me not knowing what to do because i just lost my whole world and everything i loved." He was crying even more and so was I.

Matt is the best thing that has ever happened to me and i'm grateful for that.

After we wiped our tears away and calmed down we decided to sleep for the rest of the flight.

*Getting off the plane*

Once we got off the plane which took a good 10-15 minutes becuase everyone wants to take their sweet ass time to get off,i have no idea why,but whatever we got our luggage and made our way over to look for Matt's parents. It didn't even take us a second because his mom just came running towards us and hugged us both. His mom brought us to the car and we drove off to the house. I can't wait to see everything and how beautiful it looks out here.

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