Chapter 46

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Jessica's Pov

This vacation is going to be great. I got my two ex boyfriends, well matt wasn't really mine but yeah. And I have my current boyfriend Nash. He is so sweet but friken blind. Letsof people just look at me and they know I'm a bling, bitch haven't he seen it yet. I know along this relationship I will hurt Nash. I don't really mean to, but that's just me. I can't really control myself.

Matt's Pov

We have 1 more hour until we get to Cali. I know somethings up with Crystal because she hasn't spoke to me during the whole plane ride.

"Babe?" I tap her on the shoulder. She takes out her earphones.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing why would something be wrong with me?"

"Maybe because you haven't talked to me for the whole plane ride"

"Well, I was just caught up in my music and thoughts. That's it."

"Alright babe." I intertwind our fingers together.

Crystal's Pov

Of course there was something wrong. I didn't want that bitch looking Jessica coming on vacation with us. I know what her and Matt had was a long time but, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Yeah I know there were probably girls before me, but the thought of her, just made me sick. I know I shouldn't of told Matt nothing's wrong, but I didn't want to tell him on the plane I don't know, I think I just need some rest.

Carter's Pov

Everyone is getting off the plane now. I can't wait for this vacation to start. We're all going to Taylor's house he has inCali. He goes there alot, he might even move out here. I can't wait to see it, he says there's a nice  breath taking view We all got our lugage and made our way to the taxi's. We got into seperate one's and made our way over to Taylor's.

Shawn's Pov

On our way to Taylor's it was really quite in our taxi. I was with Crystal, Matt and Hayes. Crystal sat in the middle between Matt&ayes and I sat in the front with the driver. Everything was awkward until Hayes spoke up. 

"Hey guys, anyone up to go to the beach when we get there."

Matt agreed then looked at Crystal and ooking for her response. She glanced at Matt and looked at Hayes then said "Sure." and smiled. Them two did not talk out their issue that happened earlier, but everything will go back to normal soon. Hopefully.

Hayes' Pov

Somethings up between Matt&Crystal and I have a good feeling it's because Jessica. She practically shoved it in Crystal's face that she's not the only one Matt has been with. Obvisously she knows that but that was a bitch move from Jessica. I have feeling Nash's relationship with her won't end well.

Angie's Pov

We finally arrived to Taylor's and let me say his house was beautiful. We brought our stuff in and we basically cliamed whatever rooms. Crystal and Matt went into the room I guessed they're staying in but only Crystal came out and she looked a little pissed.

Matt's Pov

"Crystal can we talk?"

"About what?"

"Seriously? I know there is something wrong, just tell me what it is."

"Fine, but it's stupid and I know I shouldn't be upset about it but I am."

"Just tell me."

"Fine. When we were at the airportand Jessica came and she those things about you two it just broke me a little. I know you have 0 feelings for her but it hurt to hear that  wasn't the only one you brought to your 'secret place', it didn't make me feel special anymore."

"Babe, yes you were the only one I brought to that place and what Jessica said was a lie, yes we had had a thing but it wasn't serious. She 's actually a total bitch and I hope Nash realises it before he get's hurt."

"Well you know what I'll be the one to tell her off if nobody else wants too. I don't care what Nash says but I don't want her on this trip and I'm pretty sure nobody else does."

"Babe what are you going to do?" Before she answered my question, she was out the door.

Crystal's Pov

Jessica better realise that if she messes with one of us, she's messing with all of us. I didn't even hear what Matt yelled to me befre I walked out, I just had to talk to Jessica.

"Who do you think you are?"

"I believe I'm Jessica and what's your problem?"

"My problem is you. I know about your tricks."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't play dumb, well actually I don't if your playing or not but anyways, listen and listen good. If you hurt Nash because of your stupidity then I'm going to have to step in and beat your ass. There is no way I'm going to let you go scott-free because you wanted to be a bitch. I'm not afriad to fight you, ask anyone here. And Nash, I don't care if you want to question me about this, she needed to hear it."

With that all eyes were on me, everyone was silent and I went outside to cool off.

Jessica's Pov

Well someone's a bitch today. What the fuck is her problem? Yeah, I know Nash is way too good for me but he doesn't know that. The only reason I'm with him is to get back with Matt, but he's to caught up with that bitch. I have a great way to make her see him different, make her have second thoughts. Ouu this is going to be good.

Cam's Pov

Crystal so told off Jessica. I never knew you could have so much hate towards someone, but Jessica had it coming. She set herself up for that one since the time Crystal laid eyes on her. Everyone got this bitchy vibe from her, I have no idea how Nash doesn't. Well he is head over heels for her so he doesn't know what's good for him as yet, but he'll come to his senses...Hopefully. 

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