Chapter 50

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"Hey Mom." "What happened?" "Mom it's going to be alright calm down." "Okay, I'll get a flight this afternoon and I'll be there." "Okay bye." It seems my nightmare is coming true. I guess we'll see how this plays out.

"Good Morning."

"Morning babe."

"What's wrong?"

"Well my mom just called and my grandma had a stroke last night and she's not doing good right now, so she wants me to fly down and see her."

"Alright babe. When do you leave?"

"This afternoon."

"Oh well did you get your ticket already?"

"Yeah I just booked one."

"Oh okay, I'm going down to get some food."

"Alright, I'll be down just now."

I had to get out that room, I couldn't hear anymore. It sounded just how my nightmare was.

Matt's Pov

Now gives me the chance to make a little video and hide the necklace I got for her. It's for whenever I leave and she misses me she'll have this necklace.

I made a quick video on her phone which she left upstairs and hid the necklace in a little pocket in her suitcase. I went downstairs to be greeted by everyone else, I told them I was leaving this afternoon but I'll be back in 3 days. They all agreed to drop me off at the airport.

I could tell Crystal was trying so hard nit to be sad. Shawn came up to me and told me he would look out for Crystal until I get back, I thanked him and headed up to pack a little bag.

Shawn's Pov

I promised Matt that I would look out for Crystal while he's gone. I know she's 17 and is old enough but I have a feeling she's going to need me later om while he's gone.

Cam's Pov

Right now everyone is pilling into drop off Matt, then we're going to see Angie. I can't wait to see her, it feels like I haven't seen her in a long time but in reality it was inly last night I didn't have her beside me.


We got to the airport and Matt was saying bye to everyone, he came to Crystal.

"Babe, I'll be back, the guys will take care of you especially Shawn, I won't be long I promise. It's not goodbye, it's see ya later."

"Alright babe, remember to call when you land, see you later, I love you."

"I won't, I love you."

He let go and they kissed like it was there last, his flight got called and he left to board his plane.

Nash's Pov

We just dropped off Matt and now we're on our way to see Angie. I actually miss the little champ. 30 minutes later we're at the hospital. We get out and make our way to her room. We get there and her face instantly brightens up.

Angie's Pov

When they all walked into my room, I was so happy. I looked at all of them, they were happy but Crystal seemed a little sad, Matt isn't here, so I guess that's what's bothering her. We talked a little then the doctor came in and said I could leave anytime, I wanted to leave now. I hated the hospital. Cam signed me out and we left. Jack G asked if we wanted to eat, we all agreed and we're off to Taco Bell. Everyone ordered through drive thru and went home to eat.

Hayes' Pov

I was so hungry when we got home, I was the first to the door but I had no keys so I had to wait until Cam got to the door, which took forever because he was pirposely walking slow. He finally reached and opened the door, I ran to the table and started digging in. Man I friken love food.

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