Chapter 47

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Jack J's Pov
Well put vacation is off to a good start. Crystal ripped into Jessica, everyone was waiting for it to happen, but I didn't know Crystal was that mad at her. Right now we we're getting ready to go to the beach, but Crystal didn't come back as yet. Matt said he would stay and wait till she got back and meet us at the beach later.

Nash's Pov
What the hell just happened? What did Crystal mean by hurt me? Does she know something I don't, well of course she does or she would of never said it. For Crystal to blow up like that, it must be really bad. I have to talk to her and figure things out.

Matt's Pov
Well everyone left and it's just me waiting one the couch. I hope Crystal's alright. The door swung open and the she stood.
"Hey babe. You alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine now, just needed to cool off."
"I'm heading down to the beach to meet the others, wanna come?"
"Naw it's alright, I'm going to take a nap, but tell me if you guys are doing anything later."
"Alright cool, see you later babe, bye love you."
"Love you, bye"
I know I shouldn't leave her alone, but I thing she needs some space right now. I got down to the beach and everyone was in the water, so I joined. Nash asked where Crystal was and I said she didn't feel like coming, she was tired. And with that Nash said he didn't feel well and he's going to head back to Taylor's. I knew he wanted an explanation about what happened earlier, so I didn't bother to ask.
"Nash do you want me to come back with you?" Jessica said with a smug smile. Was that supposed to make me jealous?
"Noo!... I mean it's alright, I'll be fine, go back and have fun with the others." Jessica left and Nash started his way back.

Crystal's Pov
I really didn't want to go to the beach with them because I was tired and also I didn't want to see Jessica. I was laying down in bed when I heard the door open and close downstairs. I do not want to get up to see who it is, so I continued to lay down until there was a knock at my door.
"Come in?"
When I said that Nash popped up from behind the door and sat down at the edge of the bed.
"What would you like Nash?"
"I just wanted to know what happened earlier?"
"I was really mad at her and I don't want her to hurt you. I don't like seeing my friends, in this case brother hurt by a girl he doesn't deserve. I'm not telling you to break up with her, it's your choice, I'm just warning you"
"Why? How so you know?"
"Ask Matt, he'll explain everything, oh and Taylor too, they been through it with her."
"Oh yeah, and thanks for looking out for me."
"No problem Nash anytime."

Nash's Pov
Now that I've spoken with Crystal, it does kind of make sense, she's not the only one that doesn't like her. I can tell the other guys don't as well, but I'll see what happens with Jessica and I. There's nothing I can really do, they warned me about her and I still went along. Tomorrow night we're all going out to a party. This break has gotten off to a rough start but it'll all be smooth from this point on hopefully.

Hayes' Pov
So Nash left us and now we're stuck with Jessica, the last person anyone would like to get stuck with. To be nice I went over and started talk with her.
"Hey Jessica..."
"So, let's cut to the chase, why did you go out with my brother? I know I just came out with that but why?"
"Well you know he's friends with Taylor and Matt, I would like to get back together with one of them. Matt is out of the question but I know exactly what to do to make him mine. Oh and don't tell your brother, he's nice and all but can't he tell he doesn't deserve me?"
"I won't, trust me."
Little does she know I'm going to tell everyone. I can't keep my mouth shut with these things. Now I know the real reason she came out, she's a home wrecker, I can tell Nash, he has to believe me so he can break up with the bitch and get on with our vacation without her around us.

Matt's Pov
I don't know what Jessica is up too but I know she's planning something. She knows things about me not a lot but enough for things to go her way like always. Before anything goes down, I need to stop her.
"Jessica, I know what you're up too and it needs to stop before you hurt someone."
"When it happens you know where to find me. I know you want me back Espinosa, you're stuck with that bitch of a girlfriend that probably self harms, she doesn't look put together. Why don't you drop her and come back with me?" Jessica ran her fingers down my chest and stopped at my stomach.
"You know what Jessica, I'm done with your stupid ass games and you need to leave me alone. You know nothing about her and I would never leave her for you if my life depended on it."
"Well someone's a little angry."
With that I left and headed back to Taylor's. I walked into the bedroom that Crystal and I shared and collapsed on the bed. Moments later Crystal walked in and jumped on me. I looked her straight in the eye and said 'I love you' and she replied with a kiss on the lips and an 'I love you'. The best moments with Crystal is just laying down on silence on the bed just taking everything in when she's wrapped in my arms.

Jessica's Pov
Matt thinks he has a choice, huh well when we go to that party tomorrow night, we'll see about that. I know how Matt gets when he's drunk and I'm sure everyone else does, so all I have to do is watch him get so wasted then make my move, but Crystal can't come it else she'll mess everything up. I know maybe I can give her some food poisoning, I'll figure it out, I have tonight and tomorrow morning. The party is tomorrow night. My plan better go well or I won't be a happy camper. Ew who says happy camper, now I'm friken talking to myself. Oh whatever, I'll just sleep in it, then something will come to mind.

Shawn's Pov
Well we all arrived back to Taylor's and we decided to just chill in our rooms for the rest of the night because no one was really up for anything. Tomorrow night Jessica invited us all to one of her friends party and we agreed to go. We don't like the girl but we're always up for a party. I have a feeling Maoist of us are going to get wasted like always. I on the other hand will only be having 1 or 2 drinks; I'm not really a drinker like the rest.

Angie's Pov
A party tomorrow night sounds good, but there's no use in me going if I can't friken party, so I'll just stay home. I'll let Cam go if he wants, he'll probably be one of the sober ones along with Shawn, they're always the sober ones, at least they're is someone to get them all home safe. I hope Matt knows what he's getting himself into. Jessica will be there and I know she might pull something, it's so obvious she wants him. Does she not understand she will never have him. This girl just makes my blood boil.

Jessica's Pov
I have a great idea to keep Crystal away from the party. I'll give her food poisoning; there must be something old in this house, we're talking about Taylor here. I looked through the kitchen and I lucky found some mouldy bread, I made a sandwich for Crystal and I but of course I opened the new bread for myself. I brought it up to her and I knocked on her door. I told her who it was and she actually opened the door, it took her awhile though. Crystal asked what I wanted, I told her my reason and she thought something was wrong with me but she took the sandwich anyway. I left and I felt noways about giving her the sandwich, it teaches her not to mess with me.

Crystal's Pov
Jessica came into my room and handed me a sandwich, I was hungry but didn't want to get up. I thought she wasn't feeling right because she actually did something nice for someone. I can't wait for that party tomorrow, Matt is going to need someone to keep him straight. Well, he also has Cam and Shawn but neither of them are his girlfriend... I mean fiancé. I hope they know what they're getting themselves into; I heard Cali parties are crazy.

Jack G's Pov
I'm so stoked for this party. I can't wait I heard it's going to be wild. Lots of drinks and weed. My kind of party. Maybe I can even pick up a chick and bring her home with me, do some other things as well. I'm just going to have to wait and see what goes down at the party.

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