Chapter 41

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Hayes' Pov

We finally made it to the airport, It's now 12:10 and we're just waiting for Nash to get through security so we can have breakfast. There's not a lot of choices, so we might just go to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast how healthy. Well I don't really drink coffee so I'm making getting Starbucks instead.

"Yo, can we get somethinng to eat now?" I said annoyed 

"Your brother is coming now, you can go wait in the line until we get there." Crystal answered.

"Finally." I said to myself as I ran to the line. It wasn't that long so I was satisfied.

Jack's G Pov

Nash is the last one to get through security. He looks like a walking zombie right now. I can't wait to get breakfast. I thought I never see the day where I wanted to eat so much. There was no food in Matt's house, no one bothered to buy. Jack J and I get into the line with some others and we wait till it's our tuen. The line wasn't that long for a Starbucks line. We all order our drinks and Hayes ordered the donuts since he was in that line already. We all sat at a table and ate away.

Matt's Pov

It's now 12:50 and we're making our way over to the seating area where we're boarding. We all sat down and Crystal laid her head on my shoulder. We were having a nice moment of silence when we saw a flash. Crystal jolted up and Angie was smiling. Both of our phones lit upand it was a mention fron Angie. *Cutest couple I know* was the caption and attached was the picture Crystal leaning on me with her head on my shoulder and my head rested on hers. We both favourited the picture, before we knew it we were getting called to board now. *Flight 376 now boarding.* We all got up and made our way to the lady. She told us all to have a safe flight and enjoy. We all boarded and quickly found our seats. I was obviously sitting next to Crystal and beside her sat Jack G. Behind us were Caam, Angie, and JJ. In the next isle was Nash, Hayes, Carter. Behind then sat Taylor, Shawn, and Aaron. The flight attendant told us to buckle up because we were getting ready to take off shortly. Crystal rested her head on me and she was literally out in seconds.

"Dude, Sammy texted me this morning and said one of his friends are having a party tonight want to go? He invited all of us, you can even bring Crystal with you."

"Um I don't know man, it sounds tempting but you know how I get and I don't want that to ruin my relationship with Crystal."

"Alright man I feel you."

When Jack said party, I really wanted to go but I know how I get and I definately don't want to ruin things between Crystal and I, she's worth more than a party to me. We just took ff and now to spend 5 hours on this plane, how fun.

Crystal's Pov

When I heard Matt turn down a party for me, I was shoocked and surprised. Matt never turns away from a party. The fact that he loves me that much just makes me feel like the happiest girl right now. Matt thought I was asleep but I'm just closing my eyes till I do. I know Matt gets wild at parties and for him to agree is to it is a big step because before people actually the boys tell him the stories from the night and he wouldn't believe them. When they went out last night I'm glad nothing happened with Matt.

Jack G's Pov

Wow, Matt turning down a party, he really changed when he got with Crystal. He came out of his shy shell and his personalility changed. When he gets drunk nothing can stop him from talking to girls. When I thought that the image from last night played in my head.

"Dude, Matt remember last night when you were fighting Shawn to get that girls number."

"No, I must've been too drunk, but that does sound like something I would when I'm drunk."

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