Chapter 30

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Hayes' Pov

When i felt someone's hand touch mine, i figured it was Crystal only she had a touch that i could never forget. i had to force myself to open my eyes and there she was sitting down crying her eyes out but still looked beautiful. I squeezed her hand to signal i was awake she shot her head up and smiled. She smiled at me different, it wasn't a weak one, it was a smile of happiness that made me melt. Crystal never smiled at me like that in awhile. Then she started crying again, i was confused. it took all my energy to ask her why.

H: Why are you crying Crystal?

C: This is all my fault, if i haven't wanted you to leave so bad you wouldn't have gotten on the plane, it wouldn't of crashed, and you wouldn't of been here. We could be having fun on the beach right now but we can't cause i was letting my feelings get in the way and everything fell apart. I'm so sorry Hayes and i forgive you. I know Matt wants to come in here and i spent long enough good bye Hayes.

As she turned to walk out the door she stopped turn back and said I love you.

Crystal's Pov

As Hayes woke up i felt my heart beating faster, i gave him a smile that made his face light up. Once i saw him smile back i started to cry again. He managed to get words out and ask me why and i let it all out and i forgave him. I knew i spent awhile in there so i was leaving then i turned around and told him that i love him. Yes i meant but i hope he doesn't take it in the wrong way. I do love Hayes but as a friend.

Matt's Pov

Crystal came out and her eyes were all puffy and red. I gave her a hug and we stood there for awhile till she let go. I walked into the room and Hayes was just waiting for the last person to walk in.

M: Hey man. How you feeling?

H: I've been better. How about you?

M: I'm good. Look man i feel really bad, I want you to stay at the house till you get better. I know Crystal doesn't mind it, so i'm welcoming you back, you can rest up before Magcon starts again in the next two weeks.

H: Alright thanks, tell Crystal i'm really sorry.

M: I think she already knows that. Bye Hayes.

H: Bye Matt.

Oh man he was beat up all over, could barely recgonise him. I fell really bad for him, I offered him to stay at the house until he gets better we still have a week before we go back for Magcon, he should be out before then.

I walked out and we all decided to go back to the house. Crystal and I decided to get breakfast and Starbucks before went home. She wasn't herself, she barely ate her breakfast but her starbucks was gone in no time which wasn't a surprise. Crystal is really taking this hard.

*Back at the House*

~Still Matt's Pov~

Crystal got in and walked right upstairs without saying anything. I was going to go up until Angie stood up and told me she will go talk to her.

Angie's Pov

Crystal is such an emotional wreck right now. Everyones knows she doesn't show how she feels but right now that's all she could do. Everytime she thinks about it or it just runs through her mind she'll cry like it just happened. I have to snap her out of it, Hayes is fine and will be back home in just a couple of days.

Crystal's Pov

*knock knock*

I don't really feel to talk to anyone right now. i just want Matt to come in and cuddle with me so i could foget about everything.

*knock knock*

"Come in." 

"Hey Crystal, How's going?" "Can we talk please?"

"I'm fine, just tired."

"You can't blame yourself for all of you know that right?"

"Yeah but it feeks like it is. If I didn't want him to leave then Nash would of never had to get him the plane ticket. I let my feelings get in the way and everything fell apart." I said with ters briming in my eyes.

" Don't worry everything is fine. Okay?"

"Okay." "Can you call Matt up." I said sniffling.


Matt's Pov

When Angie came down she told that Crystal wanted me so I went up. Ofcourse i knew she wanted me to lay with her, and i feel right now she needs me most. I can't really do anyting else but tell her that everything is going to be alright.

M:Hey babe, you alright?

C:Yeah I'm jjust tired and want you to come lie with me. (i'm not trying to make sound needy, she just needs some comfort)

M: Aright babe.

I lie next to her and she asks me if i think it's her fault. I say no cause it's not, not because i'm her boyfriend and i have to make her feel better but honestly it's not her fault she's just over thinking things, like she always does. As i was explaining she fell asleep in my arms, so i decided to close my eyes aswell.

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